IntelliBoard Pro comes equipped with dashboards, reports, and charts to quickly visualize data. Select the report to learn more. The default datasets available to you may vary based on your LMS connection and the datasets assigned to your role. If you don’t see certain datasets, please reach out to your administrator for more information.
Library and My Datasets Overview
At-Risk Learners with Course Grade Below 60
Athlete Course Progress Monitoring
Course Activity Competency Detail
Course Competency Activity Detail
Course Content Statistics By Module
Course Learner Risk Points Summary
Course and Course Section Verification
First Learner Submission (Assignment, Forum/Discussion, or Quiz)
Instructor Course Activity Engagement Detail
Instructor Course Engagement Summary
IntelliBoard URO/FTE Verification
Last/Never Learner Submission (Assignment, Forum/Discussion, or Quiz)
Learner Activity Submission Progress
Learner At Risk by Rule (2:10:60)
Learner Course Completion Details
Learner Course Progress Monitoring
Learner Statistics by Module and Activity
Missing Learner Submission (Assignment, Forum/Discussion, or Quiz)
Prediction Outcome: Learners at Risk (Per Enrollment)
Predictive Learning Analytics Input: Passing 90 Days (Enrollment Creation)
Predictive Learning Analytics Input: Passing 90 Days (Enrollment Start)
Predictive Learning Analytics Input: Passing by Course End Date
Predictive Learning Analytics Input: Passing by Term End Date (Canvas)
Relationship Field Values Uniqueness Test
Student Triage for Instructors
User Course Enrollment Verification
Activity Participation and Grade Correlation
Activity Visits and Grade Correlation
Average Prediction Per Course Over Time
Competency Completion Timeline
Competency Coverage by Activity
Competency Coverage by Learning Plan
Course Grade Progression Average
Course Participation and Grade Correlation
Prediction Per Learner Over Time
Total Contacts
The library is home to IntelliBoard default datasets, charts, and dashboards. These defaults are intended to be added to “My Datasets” to meet your needs. |
The Library may contain datasets created, published, and approved by your organization. |
(IB) in the title of a dataset or dashboard means it was created by IntelliBoard. |
If you have Builder privileges, you can edit datasets that have been moved to “My Datasets” and cloned. Contact your IntelliBoard administrator for more information. |
“My Datasets” is intended to be home to your specific, high-priority, often used datasets. You can move as many or as few datasets to “My Datasets.” |