Report: At-Risk Athlete with Courses

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Description: At-Risk Athletes a list of all learners, their course grade, their course grade compared to peers in the course, as well as the percent of activities complete, and missing and unsubmitted assignments. At-Risk is defined by having a course grade 72 or less. This is intended to inform athletic eligibility risk.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Athletic Coaches: Athletic Coaches use the At-Risk Athlete with Courses report to identify athletes with grades below 72%, compare their performance to peers, and address missing assignments to prevent eligibility issues.


Header Data:

Number of Individual At-Risk Learners: Total number of unique learners that are considered At-Risk, with a course grade of 72% or below. 1 learner may be At-Risk in 7 courses. This is counted as 1 At-Risk learner.

Number of At-Risk Learners and Courses: Total number of learners that are considered At-Risk by course. This number counts each course the learner is considered At-Risk. 1 learner may be At-Risk in 7 courses. This is counted as 7 At-Risk learners.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Displays the At-Risk status of the learner. Displays “Ok” if learner has 73% or above course grade. Displays “At-Risk” if learner has 72% or below course grade.

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Report Filters: