Report: Submission Status Detail

Report: Submission Status Detail

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Description: The base of the Missing, Late and On Time submission Dashboard, this datasets highlights when a submission is posted late, missing, or on-time. Late means the submission was submitted, but after the due date. Missing means the submission was never submitted. On Time means the submission was submitted by or on the due date. This report shows one submission per user per course.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the report to review individual submission statuses for each student in their courses, providing clarity on whether submissions were On Time, Late, or Missing, to help track and support student engagement and performance.



Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Displays the status of the submission, whether it was late, is missing, or was submitted by the due date.

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Report Filters:

Filters dataset based on submission status: Late, Missing, On Time, No Due Date, or Not Yet Submitted


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