Chart: Late, Missing, On Time (Pie Chart)

Chart: Late, Missing, On Time (Pie Chart)

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Description: Each slice represents the total aggregation of submissions that are Late (submitted but after the due date), Missing (not submitted at all), or On Time (submitted on or before the due date) for selected courses.

Roles that may benefit:

Instructors: Can use this chart to quickly visualize the total number of submissions categorized as Late (submitted after the due date), Missing (not submitted), or On Time (submitted on or before the due date) for their selected courses.


Hover Behavior:

When cursor hovers over a wedge, the Submission State, the percent of submissions that are in that state, and the total number of submission that are in that state displays.

Sort By:

Late, Missing, On Time (Submissions State)


Submissions Percentage

Chart Filters:


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