Chart: Course Grade Progression Average

Chart: Course Grade Progression Average

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Description: The Course Grade Progression Average line chart shows the average grade for multiple course over time, overlayed on the same graph for comparison. The chart can be filtered courses and by grade date.

Roles that may benefit:

Academic Leadership: Can use this chart to compare grade trends across multiple courses over time, identifying patterns that may indicate the need for curriculum adjustments or additional academic support.

Registrars: Can use this chart to monitor course performance trends and ensure that grading practices align with institutional standards and policies over time.



Horizontal Axis: Date Grade was Received

Vertical Axis: Course Grade (Average)

Hover Behavior:

When cursor hovers over a line in the chart, a display of the date, course name, and course average grade appears.

Details Button:

Opens the Course Grade Distribution Dashboard to drill down to information regarding learners with a specific letter grade.

Sort By:

Letter Grades

Average Percentage Grade

Number of Letter Grades

Chart Filters: