Chart: Page Views By Tools

Chart: Page Views By Tools

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Description: The chart displays the number of views of pages in the selected course by Activity Type. It can be filtered by Course and Category and by Activity Type.

Roles that may benefit:

Instructors: Can use this chart to see which pages or types of content are most frequently viewed and adjust the course materials based on learner usage patterns. They can also filter the data by course and activity type to get detailed insights into learner interactions.

Academic Leadership: Can use this chart to analyze engagement with specific course tools, identifying which tools are most or least utilized, aiding in course design and resource allocation decisions.



Horizontal Axis: Activity Type

Vertical Axis: Number of Views

Hover Behavior:

When cursor hovers over an activity bar, the Activity Type Name and the Number of Visits to the activity type displays.

Details Button:

Links to the Page Views and Time Spent by Tools Dashboard

Sort By:

Activity Type


Chart Filters:


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