Org Role Templates

Org Role Templates

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IntelliBoard Pro offers a quick and easy way to set up IB Users with Org Role Templates. We’ve identified the most used reports that show the most critical data for specific roles such as: Instructor, Dean, Registrar, Athletic Coach, and All Access Admin. These templates are cloned and can be edited to fit your organization’s needs. Only administrator accounts have access to Manage IB Orgs and Org Role Templates.

To access Org Role Templates:

  1. Click your Avatar

  2. Click “Manage IB Org Roles”

  3. Click the “All Org Roles” drop down menu and select “Org Role Templates.”

  4. Select the Clone icon of the Org Role Template you wish to use.

  5. Rename the Role (if desired), select the connections, and review the permissions and datasets, editing as needed.

  6. Click “Save”

Direct Link to Org Role Templates here:




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