Dashboard: Weekly Activity Overview

Dashboard: Weekly Activity Overview

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Description: This dashboard provides an overview of visits, forum posts, and quiz attempts per week. It can be filtered by course and category, by date range, and by role.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the Weekly Activity Overview Dashboard to monitor student engagement and participation in their courses in order to track the number of visits to course materials, assess the level of interaction in forums, evaluate the frequency of quiz attempts and identify students who may need additional support or encouragement.


Visits per Week:

This chart shows the number of visits by each participant per week in the selected course(s). It can be filtered to show a specific range of weeks and by role.

Horizontal Axis: Weeks

Vertical Axis: Number Visits

Sort By: Week or Sum(User Tracking by Day Visits)


Forum Posts per Week

This chart shows the number of forum posts by each participant per week in the selected course(s). It can be filtered to show a specific range of weeks and by role.

Horizontal Axis: Weeks

Vertical Axis: Number of Forum Posts

Sort By: Week or Count(Forum Posts ID)


Quiz Attempts per Week

This chart shows the number of quiz attempts by each participant per week in the selected course(s). It can be filtered by course and by category and to show a specific range of weeks and by role

Horizontal Axis: Weeks

Vertical Axis: Number of Quiz Attempts

Sort By: Week or Count(Quiz Attempts ID)



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