Chart: Activity Participation and Grade Correlation

Chart: Activity Participation and Grade Correlation

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Description: This scatterplot shows the correlation between particicipations and the LMS gradebook grade on those activities per Learner. The user can filter by Course, Activity, and Graded At date.

Roles that may benefit from this report:

Academic Advisors: Can use the scatterplot to identify students whose grades are not aligning with their participation levels, helping to target interventions for academic success.

Instructors: Can analyze the scatterplot to assess the effectiveness of their activities and spot learners who might benefit from additional support or resources.



Horizontal Axis: Number of Participations
Vertical Axis: Activity Grade

Hover Behavior:

When cursor hovers over a red bar, it displays: Learner Name, Total number of Participations, and Average Activity Grade of all activities in courses selected.

Sort By:


Activity Grade

Learner Activity Grade

Chart Filters:

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