Report: Login Statistics

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Description: Displays learner login and time-on-site, time-on-courses, and time-on-activities statistics.
Note: The value for Time Spent on Course can be smaller than Time Spent on Activity because the Time Spent on Course column subtracts the time spent on activities, displaying only the time spent on actions performed within the course outside of activities (i.e., excluding activities but including all other course actions). Time Spent on Site refers to the system level and does not include time spent in courses or activities.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Use the Login Statistics Report to monitor student engagement by tracking login frequency and time spent on course activities to identify those who may need additional support.

Registrars: Utilize the report to ensure compliance with attendance policies by reviewing login patterns and time-on-site data, particularly for students in online programs.

LMS Admins: Leverage the report to analyze overall system usage, identify trends in learner engagement, and ensure the LMS platform is being effectively utilized across courses.


Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Report Filters: