Your data is too valuable to get the best out of it and not share it.
1. Refresh
Refresh your monitor to get the latest data.
2. Open in New Tab
You may review the monitor in the new tab and personalize it as you want.
3. Export Your Monitor
Click on "Download as ..." to download the data as an Excel, or CSV document. This file will go to the Export History, where you can download it directly to your device.
NOTE: PDF exporting is available only for IntelliBoard Legacy subscription level.
4. Email
Step 1 Add the recipient's email
Step 2 Edit Subject line, if necessary
Step 3 Select Attachment type: XLS, or CSV
NOTE: PDF is available only for the IntelliBoard Legacy subscription level.
Step 4 Create and format the Message which will appear as the email body
SEND Send Email (or Cancel or go back to the repot from the top right hand corner)
5. Schedule a Notification
NOTE: When an email is scheduled, it will be sent from IB and will come from
Boxed Items
Based off the monitor filters, the initial steps of building a scheduled monitor will change. Each step will need to be successfully completed and then the next step will automatically populate.
NOTE: To send the scheduled monitor to multiple people, please use a space or a comma. Use "Enter" to move on to the next step.
1 - Report Date Filter
Use the box to toggle on/off the Date Filter. The Report Date Filter here correlates to the Date Filter inside the Monitor. To choose "All Time" simply leave the Date Filter disabled. To choose a specific time period, select the number value and the time value from the drop downs.
2 - Name
Edit Name line, if necessary (it will be shown in Notifications list)
3 - Subject
Edit Subject line, if necessary (it will be shown in the email topic)
4 - Status
Status relates to whether or not the Schedule Monitor is active (sending the monitor) or inactive (not sending the monitor).
5 - Notification Expiration Date
Set the expriation date; leaving blank will run the monitor continuously. For example, you may want set the expiration date to correlate with a holiday break, the end of Fall Semester, or the end of Q4.
6 - Attachment
Select Attachment type: XLS, or CSV
NOTE: PDF is available only for the IntelliBoard Legacy subscription level.
7 - Frequency
Select how often you'd like the email to be sent
8 - Message
Create and format the Message which will appear as the email body
9 - SAVE
Save Scheduled Monitor (or Cancel)
Clicking "Share" will allow you to create an API key that will allow you to either share an external link or Embed the monitor. First select the connection you wish to share and set the expiration date. The width/height refers to the embed code.
Share the External Link or use the Embed Code to share your data.
NOTE: Sharing the External Link or the Embed Code allows a person external to access to view the full report and utilize all filters. Please share and embed accordingly.
7. Delete
Delete the monitor from the monitor set, if it is no longer needed.