Make a Monitor Set the Homepage

Make a Monitor Set the Homepage

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Monitor sets can be set as a homepage for the account owner or for Subaccounts/IB Users. Monitor set must be created before you can set it as a homepage. Create a Monitor Set for Moodle LMS

To set up a monitor set as the homepage:

  1. From the nav menu click Monitors and choose the Monitor Set that you want to make as your Homepage

  2. From the Monitor Set click Personalize Monitor Set button

  3. From the editing page click Set as Default Home button

  4. Setting are automatically saved; you will be redirected to the Homepage
    NOTE: You can perform the same manipulations (personalizing, exporting, scheduling, etc.) to this Homepage as well as using a simple Monitor Set.


To remove a monitor set as the homepage:

  1. From the nav menu click Monitors and choose the Monitor Set that you want to remove as Homepage

  2. From the Monitor Set click Personalize Monitor Set button

  3. From the editing page click Remove as Default Home button

  4. Setting are automatically saved; you will be redirected to the Homepage
    NOTE: You can also remove a monitor set from the Homepage by skipping the first two steps and starting from the Homepage (Home > Personalize Monitor Set > Remove as Default Home).


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