Default Monitors in IntelliBoard Legacy

Default Monitors in IntelliBoard Legacy

IntelliBoard Legacy comes equipped with graphical datasets to quickly visualize data. Build your own monitor set or use one from default to learn more about your data.


Active Courses


Active Courses monitor is a line chart that displays the number of unique visits in all courses per day. If you hover over points, additional information about the date and the exact number of visits will be shown.

Axes       Horizontal: Date

               Vertical: Number Of Users

Aggregate Site Visits by Day and Hour


Aggregate Site Visits by Day and Hour monitor displays the number of mouse clicks of the day and hour. The bottom bar represents the possible color options of the chart parts depending on the attendance as a percentage of the total. If you hover over a part of the chart, you will see additional information about the day of the week, time, and number of page visits.

Axes    Horizontal: Day Of Week

            Vertical: Hours

Browser Statistics monitor is a pie chart that displays the browsers (and percent of use) by users in the LMS system.


Course Access per Day monitor is a bar chart that displays the number of users who visited a selected course(s) per day over a period of time. If you hover over bars, the exact number of users will be shown. Utilize the date filter and course filter (on the top right of the monitor) to narrow the data to a particular timeframe and course(s).

Axes  Horizontal: Date 

          Vertical: Number of Users




Course Enrollment Types monitor is a pie chart that displays the methods by which users were enrolled in a course filtered by specific date range.


Daily Activity Overview monitor displays the overview of live data by learners, teachers, and all users, their course enrollments, activity completions, course completions, new registrations, visits (mouse clicks), time spent and sessions during the current day.

NOTE: First line displays the data by the last 10 minutes, starting with "Page Views per Hour" monitor shows the data for the selected period of time.


Daily Session Overview monitor is a bar chart that displays the number of LMS sessions per hour per day. If you hover over bars, the exact number of sessions will be shown. Utilize the date filter (on the top right of the monitor) to narrow the data to a particular timeframe. 

Note: The sessions are not unique. Example: A user can have multiple sessions within a day and all sessions will be counted. 

Axes  Horizontal: Time/Date 

          Vertical: Number of Users


Most Visited Courses monitor is a bar chart that displays user visits per course. If you hover over bars, the exact number of page visits will be shown.

Axes   Horizontal: Number Of Users

           Vertical: Course Name



New Course(s) per Date Range monitor is a line chart that displays the number of courses that were created in the LMS system per day. If you hover over points, additional information about the date and the exact number of courses will be shown.

Axes    Horizontal: Date

            Vertical: Number Of Courses


New Registrants monitor is a line chart that displays the number of new users that were created in the LMS system. If you hover over points, additional information about the date and the exact number of users will be shown.

Axes    Horizontal: Date

            Vertical: Number Of Users



Operating Systems monitor is a pie chart that displays the OSs (and percent of use) by users in the LMS system.


Total User Visits (Clicks) monitor is a line chart that displays the number of user mouse clicks all over the LMS system. If you hover over points, additional information about the exact number of user clicks will be shown.

Axes    Horizontal: Date

             Vertical: Number Of Mouse Clicks


User Enrollment, Session and Completion Activity Levels monitor is a line chart that displays 3 graphs comparing enrollment to courses (green line), user sessions (number of unique users in a Moodle by day) inside the LMS (blue line), and course completions (orange line). If you hover over points, additional information about the exact number of enrollments, sessions, or completions will be shown.


  • If you select date range less or equal to 45 days, the report will be grouped by day

  • If you select date range less or equal to 80 days, the report will be grouped by week

  • If you select date range less or equal to 368 days, the report will be grouped by month

  • If you select date range bigger than 368 days, the report will be grouped by year

Axes   Horizontal: Date

          Vertical: Total Numbers


User Sessions per Week monitor displays the LMS usage per day. The bottom bar represents the possible color options of the chart parts depending on the usage as a percentage of the total. If you hover over a part of the chart, you will see additional information about the month, week number, and number of sessions.

Axes   Horizontal: Week Number

            Vertical: Month


Users Map (Based on User Country in Profile) monitor displays the users' locations as noted in the users' profile country fields. The bottom bar represents the possible color options of the map parts depending on the users number. Map may be zoomed in or out. If you hover over a countries, you will see additional information about the name of the country, and the number of LMS users from this country.




Course Information monitor displays aggregate course information.

Total Courses

# Of Visible Courses: The number of courses visible in the LMS

# Of Hidden Courses: The number of courses hidden in the LMS

# Of Modules: The number of components/parts within a course in the LMS system

Course Activity

# Of Learners: The number of learners enrolled in courses

# Of Instructors: The number of instructors in courses

# Of Completed Learners: The number of learners who completed the course (this must be enabled in the LMS system)

Course Results

# Of Certificates Issued: The number of certificates received by learners

# Of Modules Completed: The number of modules completed by learners (this function must be enabled in your LMS system)

# Of Modules Reviewed: The number of modules viewed (but not completed) by learners


Learner Information monitor provides an aggregate of learner data.

Total Learners

# Of Created Learners: The number of learners in the LMS system

# Of Not Confirmed Learners: The number of learners who haven't confirmed his/her account yet

# Of Suspended Learners: The number of learners who was suspended in the LMS system

Enrolled Learners

 # Of Manual Enrolled Learners: The number of learners who was enrolled manually in courses

# Of Self Enrolled Learners: The number of learners who enrolled in courses by themselves

# Of Cohort: The number of cohorts that are in the LMS system


# Of Active Learners: The number of learners have accessed the system at least one time

# Of Completed Learners: The number of learners who completed the course (this function must be enabled in LMS system)

# Of Deleted Learners: The number of learners who was deleted from the system


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