Enabling Time Tracking in Reports

Enabling Time Tracking in Reports

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Once Time Tracking is enabled, IntelliBoard uses a java script file to ping the user every 30 seconds (frequency). We wait for 60 seconds for proof of engagement (inactivity). Proof of engagement can be a mouse click, mouse movement, or key stroke. NOTE: Frequency and Inactivity time can be changed as desired.

To enable Time Tracking:

  1. From Site Administration, click Plugins

  2. From Plugins, click Local Plugins

  3. From Local Plugins, click IntelliBoard

  4. From IntelliBoard, click Settings

  5. From Settings, find Time Tracking section

  6. Enable time tracking

  7. Click Save changes in the bottom of the page


Time Tracking Advanced Features:
Track Time by User - Daily: The table where plugin save visits and time spent daily (if disabled, total data is used).
Example: On 01/01/2020 user 1 on a Course A had 10 visits and spent 5 min.

Track Time by User - Hourly: The table where plugin save visits and time spent Hourly (if disabled, total data is used).
Example: On 01/01/2020 at 4pm user 1 on a Course A had 3 visits and spent 1 min.

Track Time Aggregate - Daily: The table where plugin save total active sessions/course/visits/time spent globally (if disabled, total data is used).
Example: On 01/01/2020 there were 100 active users, 20 active course, 500 visits by all students, 10 hours time spent by all students in the whole LMS system.
NOTE: We don't recommend to disable anything to get a complex time tracking. If you page with database issues while time tracking is enabled, please, contact helpdesk@intelliboard.net.

To enable advanced Time Tracking features:

  1. From Site Administration, click Plugins

  2. From Plugins, click Local Plugins

  3. From Local Plugins, click IntelliBoard

  4. From IntelliBoard, click Settings

  5. From Settings, find Advanced Settings section

  6. Do changes (if needed)


  7. Click Save changes in the bottom of the page

To Track Admins:

  1. From Site Administration, click Plugins

  2. From Plugins, click Local Plugins

  3. From Local Plugins, click IntelliBoard

  4. From IntelliBoard, click Settings

  5. From Settings, find Time Tracking section

  6. Enable Tracking Admins as well as time tracking

  7. Click Save changes in the bottom of the page


To track HTML5 Media:
If you have embedded videos into your Moodle and using HTML, then this option will allow IntelliBoard to track time that your users spent on video activities. 

NOTE: The video “play” time will override IntelliBoard's way of Time Tracking. Therefore, IntelliBoard will track time on videos regardless of whether or not users were actually still on the page.

  1. From Site Administration, click Plugins

  2. From Plugins, click Local Plugins

  3. From Local Plugins, click IntelliBoard

  4. From IntelliBoard, click Settings

  5. From Settings, find Time Tracking section

  6. Enable Track HTML5 Media as well as time tracking

  7. Click Save changes in the bottom of the page

How to use time tracking for large size LMS:
If you are a large size LMS and not able to see visits and time spent, please make sure to check your LMS Size Mode.

  1. From your IntelliBoard go to Settings + Options

  2. From Settings + Options go to Servers

  3. From Servers click your Connection and then edit Connection

  4. Go to Advanced Settings and click on Size Mode: Large ( > 5,000 Users)
    Under Advanced Settings you will see Size Mode: Large ( > 5,000 Users). If your site is set to "Large Size", this will disable the time spent and visits from view which allows for faster processing speeds.  If you'd like to see the time spent and visit information, you'll need to unclick Large Size Mode.


To use compress time tracking:

  1. From Site Administration, click Plugins

  2. From Plugins, click Local Plugins

  3. From Local Plugins, click IntelliBoard

  4. From IntelliBoard, click Settings

  5. From Settings, find Time Tracking section

  6. Compress Tracking

  7. Click Save changes in the bottom of the page

Save to MoodleData: Time Tracking will be saved to MoodleData files before processing. IntelliBoard will write Time Tracking data to file or redis and transfer data to database with cron job. Cron jobs are defaulted to run every 15 mins, but can be changed based on Client's configurations. 

Save to Moodle Cache: Time Tracking will be saved to Moodle Cache before processing. Cache should be configured by client.

Do not use Compress Tracking: IntelliBoard will not be using Compress Time Tracking and will be writing data directly to the database.



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