Report: Athlete Course Progress Monitoring

Report: Athlete Course Progress Monitoring

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Monitors athletic eligibility by displaying students' course grades, progress, last course view, and last submission. Risk is categorized as High (0-72%), Medium (73-82%), and Low (83%+), with risk-based counts shown in panels. Progress and activity metrics are color-coded to highlight at-risk learners.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Athletic Coaches: Can use the Athlete Course Progress Monitoring report to track athletes' scores and course activity, ensuring they remain academically eligible by identifying those in danger of falling below required thresholds.


Header Data:

Data in these fields updates when filters are utilized.

Course Grade 0-72%: Total number of learners whose course grade falls between 0 - 72%. This range is considered At-Risk.

Course Grade 73-82%: Total number of learners whose course grade falls between 73 - 82%.

Course Grade 83%+: Total number of learners whose course grade falls between 82% and above.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Number of days since the user last accessed the course.

Displays the number of completed activities out of the total number of activities required for completion (e.g., 5/10)

The number of times a user has viewed a given activity within a course over time (as calculated by IntelliBoard)

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

This columns displays if the course grade is missing or 0; if so, it returns 0. Otherwise, it returns 1 if the course grade is 72 or above, and 0 if the grade is below 72. This column is used to inform the Data Headers and is usually kept hidden.

This columns displays if the course grade is missing or 0; if so, it returns 0. If the grade is between 73 and 82 (inclusive), it returns 1. For any other grade, it returns 0 This column is used to inform the Data Headers and is usually kept hidden.

This columns displays if the course grade is missing or 0; if so, it returns 0. If the grade is between 83 and above (inclusive), it returns 1. For any other grade, it returns 0 This column is used to inform the Data Headers and is usually kept hidden.

Report Filters:


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