Report: Course Readiness

Report: Course Readiness

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Displays per-course details on instructor activity and learner access, including instructor names, emails, last access, number of enrolled learners, and last learner access. Helps registrars and leadership track instructor engagement and student participation at the start of a term. Filters include category, course, course start date, and course end date.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Academic Leadership: Can use the Course Readiness Report to monitor instructor engagement and ensure that courses are being actively managed and graded on time, facilitating consistent academic standards across departments.

Registrars: Can rely on the Course Readiness Report to verify that courses are properly set up and running smoothly, ensuring that records align with official academic timelines and student needs.

Instructional Designers: Can use to collaborate with registrars and leadership in tracking engagement trends and optimizing course design at the start of each term.


Header Data:

This data updates when filters are utilized.

Total Courses: Displays the total number of courses in the report

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

The format of the course. May display as “Online,” “On-Campus,” “Blended” or other formats set in the LMS.

Total number of active learners in course

, in this case, date of most recent user’s access to the course.

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Report Filters:

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