Report: Course Activity Competency Detail

Report: Course Activity Competency Detail

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Displays each course activity grouped by module/section, showing activity type, count of attached competencies/outcomes/goals, and their names. Panels summarize total activities, competencies/outcomes/goals, and average competencies per activity. Must be filtered to a single course. Leadership and instructional designers can evaluate curriculum alignment and refine competency mapping for better learning outcomes.

Roles that may may benefit:

Instructional Designer: Can utilize this report to refine competency mapping, identify areas for improvement, and enhance course structure to better support learning outcomes.

Academic Leadership: Can use this report to assess curriculum alignment by analyzing how competencies are distributed across activities, ensuring alignment with program and institutional objectives.


Header Data:

This data updates with filters.

Total Activities: Total number of activities displayed in the report

Total Competencies: Total number of Competencies displayed in the report

Average Competencies/Activity: The average of competencies to activities.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Course Module Name is listed with activity information displayed in rows below.

Number of competencies the activity measures

Names of the competencies the activity measures

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Order in which the activity appears in the course

Report Filters:



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