Report: Competency Coverage

Report: Competency Coverage

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Lists competencies, as created in LMS, along with the number of Learning Plans, Courses, and Activities in which they are covered. Displays the number of learners proficient in each competency. Includes panels summarizing totals for Learning Plans, Courses, Activities, and Proficient Learners. Can be filtered by Competency, Learning Plan, and Course. Designed for leadership and instructional designers to monitor alignment and learner progress. This report is only available for Moodle, MWP, and Totara users.

Roles that may benefit:

Academic Leadership: Can use this report to evaluate how well competencies align with institutional learning objectives and track overall student proficiency trends.

Instructional Designers: Can use this report to assess competency coverage across courses and refine curriculum design to address learning gaps.


Header Data:

This data updates when filters are applied.

Learning Plans: The total number of Learning Plans displayed in the report

Courses: The total number of Courses displayed in the report

Activities: The total number of Activities displayed in the report

Proficient Learners: The total number of learners displayed in the report that have reached proficiency in competencies.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Name of Competency

Number of Competency Learning Plans

Names of the Competency Learning Plans

Number of courses that cover the competency

Names of the courses that cover the competency

Number of activities in the courses that cover the competency

Names of the activities that cover the competency

Number of learners who have scored in proficiency in the competency

Report Filters:

Filters report to show only results with the learning plans selected. You may select multiple options.


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