Report: Course Competency Activity Detail

Report: Course Competency Activity Detail

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Provides a crosstab summary of the count of each activity type across courses, allowing for an easy overview of activity distribution. Columns adjust dynamically based on the activity types enabled in the system. Filters to course to enable targeted analysis. Useful for monitoring the variety of activities across courses and ensuring balanced and engaging course design.

Roles that may benefit:

Instructional Designer: Can leverage this report to identify gaps or imbalances in activity types, optimizing course design for variety, engagement, and learner success.

Academic Leadership: Can use this report to evaluate the distribution of activity types across courses, ensuring consistency and alignment with institutional goals for curriculum development.


Header Data:

Activities with Competencies: The total number of activities with competencies in the course selected.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Competencies are listed by name and their related activities in the table below.

Number of learners who have achieved proficiency in the activity

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Order activity appears in course

Report Filters: