Report: Learner At Risk By Rule 2:10:60
Description: At Risk By Rule 2:10:60: student is at risk if they have fewer than 2 visits per activity, less than 10 minutes per activity, or a course grade lower than 60. Can be filtered by course and by risk.
Roles that may benefit from this report:
Advisors: Advisors use the Learner At Risk by Rule report to quickly identify and intervene with students who meet the criteria for academic risk, helping them prioritize outreach and support efforts.
Coaches: Coaches monitor this report to track student engagement patterns and provide targeted guidance to improve study habits and time management for their athletes identified as at-risk that are in danger of losing eligibility.
Instructors: Instructors use the report to pinpoint students who are struggling within their courses based on low visits, limited time spent, or poor grades, allowing for timely instructional adjustments and personalized support.
Managers: Managers can use the report to oversee employees who may be at risk of failing mandated training requirements.
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