Report: Gradebook

Report: Gradebook

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Displays posted grades for each student (including all enrollment statuses) in every graded activity in a crosstab format. Automatically filters to the first course the user has permission to view and allows filtering by course section and module. Includes average course grade and activity grades. Color coding highlights grade relative to peers for easy analysis. 

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the Gradebook Report to track and compare student grades across all activities, monitor last activity dates, provide timely feedback based on detailed activity performance, and enhance overall teaching effectiveness by identifying areas for improvement.

Registrars: Can use the Gradebook Report to review and validate posted grades across all enrollment statuses, ensuring accurate academic records and compliance with grading policies.

Academic Advisors: Can leverage the Gradebook Report to identify students struggling in specific activities or courses, using color-coded insights to provide timely academic support and intervention.


Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

or viewed any content within the course. Does not necessarily include a submission.

Total number of points earned in the course.

Hidden Columns:

The date on which a snapshot of the risk metrics was captured. Use for trend analysis and filtering by date.

Deviation from the course average

Report Filters:

For this report, a course must be chosen to display results.



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