Products Catalog Overview

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Products Catalog allows you to review and purchase/subscribe for products within course, sessions, seats, etc

Products Catalog Features Overview

  1. Cart - Review products that you have already added to the cart and proceed to checkout from there.

  2. Wishlist - Form own list of products that you want to track or buy.

  3. Featured Products - Review site-wide recommended products. You can add products to the cart right from here.

  4. Price filter - Select the specific price range to filter products by their cost.

  5. Product Search - Search for products by their name or description.
    NOTE: This search box works with AND rule, and it searches matches in both product name and description. E.g., if you search "Personal Coaching Review", all the products that contain all 3 words in the entered order in their names or descriptions will be shown.

  6. Custom Fields filter - Search for products by the custom fields assigned to them.

  7. Products List Type - Select the type option (grid/list) how you want to review product in the catalog.

  8. Product - Product item that is selling.

  9. New label - Check if the product is just released.

  10. Rating - Product rating based on users' reviews.

  11. Product Details - Click on the Details button to review all product details available.

  12. Subscribe - Subscribe for a product. The price per billing cycle as well as recurring period will be shown on this button, too.
    NOTE: You can do this action only if the subscription billing type was set up for this product.

  13. Seats - Put the number of seats you want to purchase and click on cart button to buy the selected number of product places in one time.

  14. Add to Cart - Click on this button to add the product to the cart.

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