Refund Application

Refund Application

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Refund action in All Sales list allows you refund user payments in full or in parts.

NOTE: If all products of the order are hidden or deleted from system, Refund button won't be displayed on Sales page for this order.

To find refund:

  1. From IntelliCart go to Sales.

  2. From Sales tab click on All Sales.

  3. For any completed order you will have a Refund action.



Refund Page Overview

  1. Product Name - Product name as entered in the LMS that was purchased.

  2. Price box - Check box and text box that contain the total product price. If you enable/disable the check box, the product price will be added/subtracted from the Refund Amount. You could also change the amount in the text box to make a partial refund. NOTE: You can't refund more than user paid. If you enter a large amount here, IntelliCart will still count the total product price.

  3. Sub-Total - The total price for all products purchased in the order.

  4. Discount - The discount amount user got when purchased product(s).

  5. Tax - The tax amount user paid when purchased product(s).

  6. Total - The total order amount including discount and tax user actually paid.

  7. Refunded - The amount that was already refunded for the order.

  8. Maximum refund amount - The total order amount that could be refunded.

  9. Refund Amount - The text box that contain the refund amount for the order. You could change the amount in the text box to make a partial refund. NOTE: You can't refund more than user paid. If you enter a large amount here, IntelliCart will still count the maximum refund amount.

  10. Manual Refund - Enable this box so that IntelliCart won't send a refund script to the payment gateway, and you'll be able to bring money back using any needed way. Thus, IntelliCart will only show the Refunded status.

  11. Refund - Refund entered amount. When you click on this, you should enter the Refund Reason or select one from the drop-down list if that was set up (see Refund settings above - point 3).

  12. Order Summary - A summary of the order that contains Sub-Total, Discount, Tax, Total, Refunded, and Maximum refund amount from the middle box.




Frequently Asked Questions:


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