Report: Course Level Access Trends
Description: This dataset displays a course-level aggregate to illuminate course trends related to time spent and participation.
Roles that may benefit from this report:
Course Administrators Can use this report to determine low or high activity and access in courses.
Header Data:
Number of Courses: Shows the total number of courses in the report. This number adjusts based on the filters used within the report.
Average Time Spent/User in Courses: Shows the average amount of time users spent in courses. This number adjusts based on the filters used with the report.
Average Participation/User in Courses: Shows the average number of participations in courses. This number adjusts based on the filters used with the report.
Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard
Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)
Report Filters:
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