Report: Learner Participation Metrics

Report: Learner Participation Metrics

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Description: This report is used to identify at-risk learners. It contains a number of "standardized" metrics of learner presence in each course compared to the number of activities in the course, dates since last activity and participation, and number of logged contacts. It can be filtered by course category and name, enrollment creation date, and each of the metrics. Zero values are red in the column and name. These comparison values can be edited.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the report to monitor and proactively engage with learners showing low activity or presence, focusing on those with red values to provide targeted support and interventions.

Athletic Coaches: Can utilize the report to identify students who are falling behind in their coursework based on their activity levels and participation before it impacts their grades and eligibility.

Academic Advisors: Can use the report to assess overall learner engagement and focus on those with red values to provide targeted support and interventions.


Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Displays the number of At-Risk factors (0-7) the learner meets: Course Progress, Course Grade, Number of Visits per Activity, Number of Participations per Activity, Time Spent per Activity, No Course Activity, or No Participation.

Number of visits in relation to number of activities determined by total page visits divided by the number of activities in the course.

Number of participations in relation to number of activities determined by total participations divided by the number of activities in the course.

Time spent on activities in relation to number of activities determined by total time spent divided by the number of activities in the course.

Number of days since the last participation of the user. Will display as “Never Participated” if user has no participations.

Number of days since user’s last activity in the course. Will display “Never Active” if user has no activity.

Report Filters:


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