Learner Dashboard Overview

Learner Dashboard Overview


If the Learner Dashboard does not appear, please contact your LMS System Administrator to check your role and permissions. The Learner Dashboard is automatically associated with the [Student] Role in the LMS System; you do not need your own IntelliBoard account to access the Dashboard.

To access Learner Dashboard:

  1. From the Navigation Block in your LMS system, click "Learner Dashboard"
    NOTE: If you do not have access to the dashboard or one of the snapshots, please contact your LMS System Administrator. 


Learner Dashboard defaults

  1. Completed Courses: The number of visible courses that the learner is enrolled to and has completed based on the Course Completion settings for that specific course inside the LMS system.

  2. Courses in Progress: The number of visible courses that the learner is enrolled to in the LMS system.

  3. Course Avg. Grade: The Average Grade represents the learner's average grade in his/her enrolled courses that are visible in the LMS system (not depending on complete/incomplete status).

  4. Course Sum Grade by Grade Scale Value: Course Sum Grade displays the learner’s course total grade in percentage of his/her enrolled courses that are visible in the LMS system (not depending on complete/incomplete status).

  5. Messages: Clicking the hyperlink will bring the learner to his/her messages within the LMS system.

Choose a time period to review (All time, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months, This Year, Last Year) from the drop-down menu in the top rigth corner. The Activity Progress shows your grades in a given period compared to your peers. Your activity and time is the green line. This graph speaks to specific activity completed in the given time period (not your overall course grade). 


Click the "Course Progress" tab and set your time period from the drop-down menu in the top rigth corner. The Course Progress shows your grades by course. Your grade is indicated by the green line; your peers' average grade by the blue bars.


My Course Average displays the your course average in all courses (green percentage). 

Overall Course Average displays the your peers course average in all courses (blue percentage).


Course Progress table includes courses you’re enrolled in, and a high level overview of each course. Table contains the following collumns: 

  • Course, a link to the course for quick access.

  • Progress, a graphical representation of completed activities (based off completion standards) vs all activities.

  • Grade, as displayed in Gradebook.

  • Enrolled, Enrollment Date.

  • Completed, Course Completion Date.

The Course Progress widget also includes the Course Category(ies) total enrollments.


Click the "Assignments" tab and list all the assignments.
NOTE: This is the "assignment” type in Moodle course.
Green means an assignment is completed, red means assignment is not yet completed. Your grades and due dates (if entered in the LMS system) will also appear.


Click the "Quizzes" tab and list all the quizzes.
NOTE: This is the "quiz” type in Moodle course.
Green means an quiz is completed, red means quiz is not yet completed. Your grades and due dates (if entered in the LMS system) will also appear.


This pie chart helps you visualize your course completions.  The blue represents what you have completed; the red represents what you have already started; and the yellow is what you still have to do. Remember, completion must be enabled in the Moodle system by your instructor.


NOTE: You'll need to click the "Correlations" tab (circled) to view this!

This graph correlates the time you spent in your course (vertical axis) with your course grade (horizontal axis).  Hover over a dot to bring up a pop-up that will highlight the course, your grade and the actual time spend (hh:mm:ss; hour:minutes:seconds).  


Review your status with your course assignments! Activity types are separated out across the horizontal axis; the number of activities is represented on the vertical axis. The blue bar represents all the activities, the red bar indicates if you've looked at them, the yellow/orange bar indicates if you've completed them. Your goal is to make the three bars all the same height (meaning you've completed all activities). Remember, completion must be enabled in the Moodle system by your instructor.


NOTE: You'll need to click the "Learning" tab (circled) to view this!

Ever wondered where you are spending your time?  This pie graph tells you the hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds) you've spent in each activity type.

Courses Tab Overview

Click "Courses" to review all your courses and activities at a glance.  


Course Details box includes: 

  • Your Grade (Blue Circle) 

  • Completions (NOTE: "Completions" must be enabled by your instructor.) 

  • Your peers' average (Class Average) 

  • Your Time Spent (hh:mm:ss; hours: minutes: seconds)

By clicking a chart icon in a specific course, you can pull up additional information (second image) on grade progress.  Your grade progress is green; your peers' is blue. 


You can also select view of your Courses tab.


You could access "View Course Details" for the course which will show you an information about your assignments, its submission, progress, teacher's comments and feedback from teachers. 


Grades Tab Overview

1. Grades Tab Overview

Click "Grades" to review all your course grades and general activity.  

  1. Search Bar: Type a search term in the search bar and click "Search" to filter the report by search term. 

  2. Remove/Add Columns: Click the "-" button after any Column Header to remove the column; click the "+" button to add the column.

  3. Columns: Click the Column Header to sort data in that column.

  4. Reset Table Preferences: After manipulating any part of the report, a blue "Reset table preferences" link will appear. After clicking this link, the full report will reappear. 

  5. Actions: Clicking the buttons "Activities" will pull up additional information. Review report details lower.

Course Name: The course name as entered in your LMS system; clicking the hyperlink will open the Course in the LMS system

Course Start Date: A start date of the course as set.

Enrolled Date: A date when learner was enrolled into the course.

Progress: Your current course grade (in percentage) shown as a bar. A bold line indicates a goal course grade, and a dotted line stands for the course average grade. A percentage number may be found by hoverovering.

Letter: Your course letter grade.

Completed Activities: The number of course activities completed by the learner (your instructor must enable completions in your courses for this data to populate).

Grade: Current course grade (in persantage).

Course Completion Status: Course completion status and date (your instructor must enable completions in your courses for this data to populate).

Actions: Click the "Activities" Button for additional information.

2. Actions - Activities Overview

  1. Course Total Grade: Total grade in the selected course.

  2. Course Name: The course name where you’re enrolled in.

  3. Course Completion Status: Course completion status and date (your instructor must enable completions in your courses for this data to populate).

  4. Last Access Date: The date when you accessed the course at last.

  5. Activity Format Filter: Filter the report by activity format (all activities or just custom).

  6. Search Bar: Type a search term in the search bar and click "Search" to filter the report by search term. 

  7. Remove/Add Columns: Click the "-" button after any Column Header to remove the column; click the "+" button to add the column.

  8. Columns: Click the Column Header to sort data in that column.

  9. Return to Grades: Link which direct Instructors back to Grades Tab Overview.

Activity Name: Activity name as entered in the course

Type: Activity type as set in the course

Grade: Your activity grade.

Graded: The date when you were graded within the activity.

Completed: Activity completion status and date (your instructor must enable completions in your courses for this data to populate).

Time Spent: Total time spent on the selected activity.

Badges Tab Overview

Click "Badges" to review all badges you got.


Badge details include next columns:

Badges: Name of the badge you received.

Issuer: Role of the user who issued this badge.

Criteria method: Criteria method that must be reached in order to receive the badge

Courses: Course names with your completion status and real grade you got in the course; the grade required to get the badge is indicated after the slash

Progress: Your progress towards this badge


Frequently Asked Questions:

Please, contact your site administrator or course instructor for getting additional information about your course success and dashboard usage.

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