Adding a SSO link to Moodle

Adding a SSO link to Moodle

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An SSO link, or Single Sign-On link, is a unique URL or hyperlink that enables users to access multiple applications or systems with a single set of login credentials. Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication process that allows users to log in once and gain access to multiple connected systems or services without needing to re-enter their credentials each time they switch between applications.

To add an SSO Link:

  1. From Site Administration, click Plugins

  2. From Plugins, click Local Plugins

  3. From Local Plugins, click IntelliBoard

  4. From IntelliBoard, find Advanced Setting category

  5. From Advanced Setting make sure to check the box next to the SSO link

  6. Save settings


  7. After these steps go to Site Administration > IntelliBoard > Dashboard and find SSO link as in the image below.


To Add a Subdomain to SSO:

  1. IntelliBoard has 4 subdomains:

  2. From Site Administration, click Plugins

  3. From Plugins, click Local Plugins

  4. From Local Plugins, click IntelliBoard

  5. From IntelliBoard, find Advanced Setting category

  6. From Advanced Setting find the IntelliBoard Server option with a drop-down menu where you can manually select which Subdomain you will be redirected to, or leave it as AUTO and IntelliBoard will make a selection on its own

  7. Save settings


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Make sure to check the box next to the SSO link in the Site Administration (see above).

  2. From IntelliBoard site go to Settings > Servers

  3. Click the "Moodle Connection" link

  4. When the green checkmarks appear, click "Save Connection"

IntelliBoard's Permit feature allows you, the IntelliBoard Admin (main subscriber), to give certain people credentialed access to http://IntelliBoard.net where they will have permission to review certain data sets within certain reports. 

If you have several connections within your IntelliBoard subscription and want to allow the SSO link from certain LMS systems to link with only a SubAccount/IB user (instead of the main subscripton), follow the steps below.

Before you get started... 

  • Permit functionality begins with a Level 4 IntelliBoard subscription; please review access and number of accounts here. 

  • Permit, managed by the IntelliBoard Admin, consists of two components: 1) Organizational Role (Template of Reports) and 2) SubAccount/IB user (Credentialed Access and Data Set Permissions). Organizational Roles and SubAccounts/IB users must be set before you can link.

How can I set up the SSO from a LMS into a SubAccount/IB user instead of the Main Subscription?

Use Case: You have several LMS sites connected to your Main IntelliBoard Subscription.  For each LMS site, you have a SubAccount/IB user who needs access just to his/her specific LMS.  Instead of the SSO link going to the main subscription, you want the SSO to map just to his/her account. 

STEP ONE:  Create Connections and SubAccount/IB users 

Additional information on Connections here.

Additional information on SubAccount/IB users here.

STEP TWO:  Ensure SubAccount/IB user has Access to LMS 

Ensure the SubAccount/IB user has access to the proper LMS in the SubAccount/IB user Settings. 

  • IntelliBoard > Permit > SubAccounts/IB users

  • Select the SubAccount/IB user to Edit; click the "Edit Sprocket"

  • Open Assigned Connections and review

  • Adjust if necessary, save.

STEP THREE:  Update Email in the LMS IntelliBoard Settings 

  • Go to Site Admin > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliBoard > IntelliBoard Settings.

  • Update the Subscription Email from the Main Subscriber to SubAccount/IB user's Email. 

  • Ensure SSO is also enabled. 

  • Click Save.

Users with the Site Admin Role in that particular LMS will be able to SSO into the SubAccount/IB user instead of the Main Subscription. 

For additional assistance, please email helpdesk@IntelliBoard.net

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