Subscriptions Overview

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Subscriptions is a list under Sales tab that shows all customers' subscriptions if they purchased a product with subscription billing type. This will appear only if subscriptions is enabled in the IntelliCart configurations.

Subscription Features Overview

  1. Search - Search subscriptions by product name.

  2. Status filter - Filter subscriptions by their status.

  3. Customer - User's First and Last Name as entered in the LMS system who subscribed for a product.

  4. Products - Product Name(s) as entered that was subscribed by user.

  5. Subscription Date - Date when the user subscribed for a product.

  6. Price - The actual amount user has to pay for the product per billing cycle (including all taxes, discounts and coupons).

  7. Recurring Period - The recurring period for the subscription that was set up for a product.

  8. Billing Cycles - The number of times the billing will be repeated.

  9. Status - Current status of the subscription.

  10. Expiration Date - Date when the subscription will become expired.

  11. Expire - Expire the user's subscription manually if needed.

  12. Cancel - Cancel the user's subscription manually if needed.




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