Activity Progress by Course

Activity Progress by Course

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Description: Select a course and then the Activity Progress by Course report displays user’s activity completion by date.


Report Filters:

Search Bar: Searches any columns that have the search function enabled. Confirm columns are included in the search under “Personalize Report” button.

Courses selection: Select only the course or courses you wish to view

Filter by Vendor: Filters report to show only a specific vendor. i.e. IntelliCart, Paypal, payment by invoice, etc

Filter by activities: Show all Activities or Show only Activities required for course completion

Columns in Report:

Columns for each activity in the course displays the date the user completed the activity or returns “Incomplete” if the activity has not yet been completed by the user.

For certifications or other courses that are attendance based for completion, these columns may display as attendance columns instead of activity columns.

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