Learner Compared to Course Average

Learner Compared to Course Average

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Description: Learner Compare to Course Average allows learners to see a their Interactions, Course Access, Submissions of Quizzes and Assignments, Total Time Spent on Course, and Course Score in comparison with the average for the course’s users.


Report Filters:

Courses selection: Select only the course you wish to view

Users: Select a specific User to display on the report

Data in Report:

Compare the number of interactions with a course from a specific user vs the average for all users in the course. Represented by a Bar Chart in the top left and Line Graph in the bottom right. Blue = Course Average, Yellow = Participant

Compare the number of times a specific user accessed the course on the LMS to the average for all users in the course. Represented by a Bar Chart in the top left and Line Graph in the middle. Blue = Course Average, Yellow = Participant

Compare the number of submissions of quizzes and assignments within a course from a specific user vs the average for all users in the course. Represented by a Bar Chart in the top middle and Line Graph in the bottom left. Blue = Course Average, Yellow = Participant

Compare the total time spent in a course from a specific user vs the average for all users in the course. Represented by a Bar Chart in the top right. Blue = Course Average, Yellow = Participant

Compare the course score of a specific user to the average for all users in the course. Represented by a Bar Chart in the top right. Blue = Course Average, Yellow = Participant



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