Learner Success and Progress

Learner Success and Progress

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Description: The Learner Success and Progress Report is a popular report often used to identify at-risk students. Data includes student name, email, course name, course start, and course enrollment. Learner Success and Progress is valuable in that it also displays data about course progress, completed activities, current grade, how much time the learner spent in the class, how many visits the learner made to the site and how many assigned activities the learner has completed. A status bar in the Progress column shows the current learner grade as compared to the class average.


Report Filters:

Search Bar: Searches any columns that have the search function enabled. Confirm columns are included in the search under “Personalize Report” button.

Courses selection: Select only the course or courses you wish to view

Grade Selection: Select to view only those users with a specific grade or grades.

Filter by: Enrollment Date or Course Start Date

Completion Status: Filter report to show only users who have have completed the course, have not completed to the course, or all completion statuses.

Columns in Report:



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