Big Blue Button: Attendance Overview

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Description: The BBB: Attendance Overview report displays the Big Blue Button session. Additional information about specific users will be displayed when clicking “Details”.


Report Filters:

Search Bar: Searches any columns that have the search function enabled. Confirm columns are included in the search under “Personalize Report” button.

Courses selection: Select only the course or courses you wish to view

Date Filter: Two date filters for the circle charts are located in the top right corner, use the drop down menu to filter results by: All Time, Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 90 Days, Last 12 Months, This Year, Last Year, and More Preset Dates, and Custom.

Columns in Report:

This column contains the name or title of the session that was conducted. Each session may have a unique name or identifier.

It identifies the person responsible for managing the session.

Date the session took place.

Duration of session, typically displays as hours and minutes.