Report: Learner Weekly Update

Report: Learner Weekly Update

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Description: This report is intended for use in weekly updates to learners, parents, and academic advisors. Contents are restricted to active enrollments and users with learner role in courses. Highlights students who have not had an activity in Last 7 days.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the Learner Weekly Update report to identify and reach out to students who have been inactive in the past week, ensuring timely interventions to keep them on track.

Managers: Can monitor the overall engagement of learners in their department or team, using the report to address any emerging issues with specific learners.

Advisors: Can review the report to proactively support and check in with students who have shown inactivity, helping them stay engaged and aligned with their academic goals.

Coaches: Can utilize the report to spot learners who may need additional motivation or guidance, providing targeted encouragement and resources to boost their participation.


Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Displays in red font if learner’s last activity date is more than 7 days ago.

Total number of courses user has visited within the last 7 days.

Total number of courses user has not visited within the last 7 days.

Total number of courses user has never visited.

Total number of activities in all courses that were due in the previous 7 days.

Total number of activities the user participated in that were due in the previous 7 days.

Total number of activities in all courses that are due in the next 7 days.

Activity names of all activities due in the next 7 days.

Report Filters:


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