Report: LMS Usage Per Category

Report: LMS Usage Per Category

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Description: This tabular report summarizes the number of courses, enrolled students, instructors, and total visits per category in the LMS. It can be filtered by category and by course and by course start date.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Deans: Can use the LMS Usage Per Category Report to assess the distribution of courses and student engagement across different academic categories, aiding in strategic planning and resource allocation.

Registrars: Can utilize the report to track enrollment trends and ensure accurate records of course participation and instructor assignments within each category.

Managers: Can review the report to evaluate course activity and instructor involvement in their department, helping to identify areas that may require additional support or optimization.


Header Data:

These data fields update when filters are utilized.

Total Courses: The total number of courses displayed in the report.

Total Instructors: The total number of Instructors displayed in the report.

Total Students: The total number of learners enrolled in the courses displayed in the report.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Total number of instructors within a category.

Total number of students enrolled in courses within a category.

Report Filters:


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