Discounts Overview
IntelliCart Discounts allow you to create permanent discounts for your customers.
To create an IntelliCart Discount:
From IntelliCart, open the Administration.
From Administration, click on Discounts.
In the top right corner of the tab, click on Create New.
Write Your Discount
Name - Name your discount as you wish to make it more specific for your audience.
NOTE: This field is required.Start Time - Enable start time to select the date when the discount will be available for use.
Can be used times per user - Add the number of times how much this discount can be applied by one user.
End Time - Enable end time to select the date when the discount will no longer be available for use.
Products maximum number can be applied - Add the number of products this discount can be applied for.
Discount (%) - Add the amount of discount.
NOTE: This field is required.Status - Choose whether the discount is visible or hidden.
Type - Select the type of discount.
All Products - the discount will be applied for products participating in the discount only when all of them are added to the cart. I.e., 5 products participate in the discount, and a discount is 50% - the user will receive 50% discount only when he adds all 5 products to the cart
Any Product - the discount will be applied for any product participating in the discount; you could add a value to "Products maximum number can be applied" box above to limit the number of products user could get a discount. I.e., setting up the discount as in the example below will allow user to receive a 100% discount on two products, (user can buy them immediately, one by one, or in the package of available products)Condition - add the minimum/maximum number of products that should be in the cart for discount. I.e., setting up the discount as in the example below will allow user to receive a 10% discount, if he buys from 2 to 5 products in one purchase
Minimum number - Add the minimum number of products / seats / sessions that must be in the customer's cart for using this discount. NOTE: Select "Condition" discount type from the drop-down above to enable this field.
Maximum number - Add the maximum number of products / seats / sessions that must be in the customer's cart for using this discount. NOTE: Select "Condition" discount type from the drop-down above to enable this field.
Description - Describe your discount to specify it.
Save - Save your changes.
Assign Products
After discount creation you have to assign products to this so it can be successfully used.
From the Discounts tab click on Actions near the discount name and select Assign Products there
Select Products from the drop-down (you can also select all products by clicking the check box under this drop-down)
Save settings (selected products will appear below in the table)
I.e., if you assign Spanish Ebook product to the discount, users will be able to apply the discount only to purchase this product.
Discount Features Overview
When you are done creating, you'll see all discounts in the next view.
Search - Search discounts by their names.
Status filter - Filter your discounts by their status (active/inactive).
Multiple Actions - Select several discounts and do the same action for them.
NOTE: This feature will appear only when you select (tick the box) at least one item.Name - Discount Name as entered.
Start Time - Discount's start time as entered.
End Time - Discount's end time as entered.
Discount - The amount of discount as entered.
Applied - The number of times discount was already applied.
Created - The date when the discount was created.
Edit - Edit your discount.
Status - Choose whether the discount is visible or hidden.
Assign Products - Assign Products to the selected discount. Read more about Products HERE.
Assign Vendors - Assign Vendors to the selected discount. Read more about Vendors HERE.
I.e., if you assign Acme Corp vendor to the discount, only users from this vendor will be available to use the assigned discount. NOTE: If you assign 2 or more vendors, all users are at least in one of these vendors will be able to use the discount.Delete - Delete your discount.
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