Published LTI Tools

Published LTI Tools

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Description: The Published LTI Tools report displays all LTI activities, their URL informations and grade sync settings. Filtered by course.


Report Filters:

Search Bar: Searches any columns that have the search function enabled. Confirm columns are included in the search under “Personalize Report” button.

Courses selection: Select only the course or courses you wish to view

Columns in Report:

The Key that is used to establish a secure communication between the LMS and the LTI.

URL that points to a Common Cartridge package, facilitating the import and distribution of standardized educational content in Learning Management Systems

URL to the course registration

Returns “Yes” or “No” to is grade sync turned on in the LTI and LMS

Returns “Yes” or “No” to is course completion required before grade can be synced

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