Report: Log Detail for InContact

Report: Log Detail for InContact

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Description: This table shows the details of each InContact record logged per student, including student name, email address, course name, log date, attempted, log type(s), behavior(s), and the text of the log entry. It can be filtered by Category and Course and by Log Date, Log Type(s) and Behavior(s).

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Advisors: Advisors can use this report to monitor specific student interactions, identifying those who may need additional support based on the behaviors logged.

Instructors: Instructors can review detailed logs to assess individual student progress, engagement, and behavioral trends within their courses. This information can guide targeted interventions or tailored feedback.

Academic Deans: Deans can track broader engagement trends and ensure that communication logs align with academic goals and standards. They can filter by course and behavior types to identify patterns that may need addressing at the departmental level.


Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Date of InContact contact.

Displays if contact was attempted, but not successful. Returns “Yes” if the contact was attempted but not completed. Returns “No” if the contact was completed.

Displays if the contact was completed. Returns “Yes” if the contact attempt was completed. Displays “No” is the contact was not completed.

Displays the communication type that used to contact the learner: email, web call, in-person, phone, and more.

Displays the behavior that prompted the contact: disengaged, disruptive, lacked focus and more. The field is blank if a behavior was not selected for the contact.

Displays the text sent to learner in the contact when available.

Report Filters:


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