Collaborate Course Summary Overview

Collaborate Course Summary Overview

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Description: The Collaborate Course Summary Overview report displays the cumulative session participation by courses.


Report Filters:

Search Bar: Searches any columns that have the search function enabled. Confirm columns are included in the search under “Personalize Report” button.

Courses selection: Select only the course or courses you wish to view

Columns in Report:

Total number of session for course

Total number of users that have been absent from a course session

Total number of users that were late to a session

Total number of users that were on time to a session

Shows the percent of change in attendance of participants who were absent for the previous session when compared to this session

Shows the percent of change in attendance of participants who were late for the previous session when compared to this session

Shows the percent of change in attendance of participants who were on time for the previous session when compared to this session

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