Report: Projected DFW Risk

Report: Projected DFW Risk

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Description: This table chart displays a count of learners course grades separated by 3 values: grades 0-59 (red), 60-69 (yellow), 70-100 (green). This intends to be paired with the corresponding DFW by Course bar chart, allowing you to quickly identify courses that may have a high D/F/W rate. Additional information about course, including category, term, course codes, total enrollments, is included for additional detail.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Deans: Use the Projected DFW Risk Report to assess overall student performance trends across courses, identify high-risk areas for potential academic interventions, and guide strategic decisions to improve course outcomes and support services.

Registrars: Utilize the Projected DFW Risk Report to monitor and manage course enrollments and performance metrics, identify patterns that may impact student retention, and provide insights for scheduling and resource allocation.


Header Data:

This information updates when filters are utilized.

Course Grade 0-59%: Total number of learners in report with a course grade of 0-59%

Course Grade 60-69%: Total number of learners in report with a course grade of 60-69%

Course Grade 70%+: Total number of learners in report with a course grade of 70%+

Total Active Enrollments: Total number of active enrollments in the report

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Calculated by IntelliBoard based in LMS data. Counts users with learner LMS role with D course grade + Learners with F course grade + withdrawn ones divided by a total number of learners in a course. Represented as a percentage

Number of learners in course with a course grade of 0-59%

Number of learners in course with a course grade of 60-69%

Number of learners in course with a course grade of 70%+

Number of Active Learners in course

Number of Inactive Learners in course

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Report Filters:

Filters report to show only course with DFW percentage between the range set.


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