Report: Next Contact Date (InContact)

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Description: This table displays each student per course and a summary of InContact data with their First Contact, last Contact and Next Contact Date (calculated as Last Contact + 14 days). The report can be filtered by Category and Course

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Use the Next Contact Date Report to schedule follow-ups with students who have not recently engaged, ensuring timely communication and support to maintain their course progress.

Academic Advisors: Utilize the Next Contact Date Report to track and manage upcoming check-ins with students, helping them stay on top of their academic progress and addressing any issues before they escalate.

Managers: Employ the Next Contact Date Report to oversee and coordinate communication efforts among instructors and advisors, ensuring that all students receive consistent and timely contact.

Deans: Use the Next Contact Date Report to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of student engagement strategies and ensure that institutional policies regarding student contact are being followed.

Registrars: Benefit from the Next Contact Date Report to track and manage student engagement as part of their administrative duties, ensuring that students are receiving the necessary support and interventions.


Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Date learner was first contacted.

Report Filters: