Report: Predictive Learning Analytics Input: Passing 90 Days (Enrollment Start)

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Description: This Predictive Learning Analytics input report uses the course final grade as the success metric and trains the model on all courses with Enrollment Start Dates more than 90 days in the past. Only users with roles categorized as "Learners" are included in the report. Predictors (model features) are based on standardized metrics of participation in activities, especially Quizzes, Assignments and Forums.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use Predictive Learning Analytics Input to see a list of students and risk metric to determine who needs intervention.


Header Data:

This data updates when filters are utilized.

Rows: The number of rows in the report

Proportion Current: Proportion of learners who are current in the course

Proportion Passed: Proportion of learners who have passed the course

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

May return as “1” or “0” where 1 = user passed with course grade score over 59 and 0 = user did not pass and has a course grade score of 59 or less.