Hide empty categories: Enable this box to hide categories from the product catalog that don't have any assigned products.
Enable featured products: Enable this box to add an action to products for ability to make product(s) as featured. In other words, be able to add products to the product roulette in the top of the Products Catalog.
Enable ending soon products: Enable this box to add the Ending Soon block to the Products Catalog, where users can see products whose Display End Time expires.
Ending soon products duration: Add the number of weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds (it's up to you!) for which the product will appear in the Ending Soon block. I.e., you added 3 days to this setting, today is February 25, and product's end time is February 26, the product will appear in the Ending Soon block.
Enable just released products: Enable this box to add the New Products block to the Products Catalog, where users can see products whose Display Start Time is just started.
Just released products duration: Add the number of weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds (it's up to you!) for which the product will appear in the New Products block. I.e., you added 3 days to this setting, today is February 25, and product's start time is February 24, the product will appear in the New Products block.
Enable best-sellers products: Enable this box to add the Best Sellers block to the Products Catalog, where users can see products which were sold the specific amount of time by the specific period (that can be set up below).
Best-sellers sold times: Add the number of products (seats, sessions) to identify how many times should the product be sold to appear in the Best Sellers block.
Best-sellers products duration: Add the number of weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds (it's up to you!) for which the product must be bought to appear in the Best Sellers block. I.e., you added 5 weeks to this setting and 10 to the "Best-sellers sold times" setting above, so if the product will be bought 10 times during 5 weeks (at any period of time, not just after you set this up), it'll appear in the Best Sellers block.
NOTE: Products can only be added to this block when conditions are met. They will remain in this block until you remove the entire product from the LMS system.
Use user time zone: Enable this box for automatic filtering of product displaying on the Product Catalog page. I.e., you want to start showing the product at 9 am for all users depending on their timezone. Enabling this setting will display the product to French users at their 9 am (8 am GMT), to USA users and their 9 am (2 pm GMT), etc.
Hide featured products on product page: Enable this box to hide the product roulette on the Details page for product.
Track user view history: Enable this box to track which products user reviewed (clicked on the product's Details page). This will be displayed in the Recent Products block that described below.
Enable Recent Products: Enable this box to add the Recent Products block to the Products Catalog, where users can see products which they have reviewed before.
Enable Recommended Products:Enable this box to add the Recommended Products block to the Products Catalog, where users can see products that are most similar to the ones they already bought. Products appear in the recommendation list if at least one of conditions below was met:
If minimum 1 product course tag is same as User Profile Interests
If only two or more tags are same of courses that user has already enrolled/finished and new product courses
User has already something in the cart with minimum 2 same tags
If user bought 3 or more courses with 1 same tag, then more courses with the same tag are recommended
Hide Purchased Products in Products Catalog: Enable this box so that products that customer has already bought will disappear from the products catalog for him.
Buy the same product only once: Enable this box so that each product can be sold only once to the same customer (Add to cart button will disappear for user after 1st purchase). This setting also adds Enable multiple selling setting on product editing page, that allows you to set up products for selling more than once.
I.e., you enable this setting, and set up 2 products:
product A - has Enable multiple selling setting ticked OFF
product B - has Enable multiple selling setting ticked ON
Then user buys both products. When it's done, user will still be able to see product A in Products Catalog, but not buy it. And he/she will still be able to see and buy product B again.
Alternative Catalog URL: Add a URL link to the page where you have places the Product Catalog block, so the user will be automatically redirected after product purchasing. I.e., by default, users are automatically redirected to the Dashboard page (/my). But you added the Product Catalog block on the Home page instead of Dashboard and want your users are directed to that one. Adding a link to the LMS Home page here will help with problem solution.
Alternative Login URL: Add the URL link that you want your guests will be directed to when they click on Add to cart button in the Products Catalog page. This can be used for the case if you want to show some additional page for guests before they log in to purchase it. I.e., you add a URL to purchasing terms in your LMS system, guest clicks on Add to cart button and he is directed to this terms page, where in the bottom may be a note that guest should sign in/sign up before purchasing.
NOTE: This setting requires Enable Guest Access setting to be turned on, and Enable guest checkout to be turned off.
Default Dashboard Page: Add a URL link here so that all users who have an access to the IntelliCart managing will be directed to when they go to IntelliCart from the navigation menu. I.e., you want you and you managers are directed to the All Sales page instead of Dashboard. Adding a link to the All Sales page here will help with problem solution.
Enable Reviews: Enable this box to add an ability to add product and instructor reviews for your users. Users will be able add reviews to products and instructors and comment these reviews. This setting will also add additional block of settings to product editing page, where admin can specify review settings for every specific product.
Reviews limit: Add the number of reviews per page that will be displayed on the product/instructor details.
Buy one product at once: Enable this box so that users will be able to by only one product per time. They will be directed to the checkout page after adding product to the cart.
Enable product video: Enable this box to add an ability to add videos to products that will be shown on the Product Details page instead of product image. Read more about product videos HERE (under Product Description block).
Enable Multi Select Categories on Product Catalog: Enable this box so that users will be able to filter products in catalog by several categories. Filtering will be applied automatically after each category selected.
Click "view" button for display products of multi select categories: Enable this box so that users will be able to filter products in catalog by several categories only after clicking View selected button.
NOTE: This setting works in collaboration within Enable “Enable Multi Select Categories on Product Catalog Catalog” setting above.
Search products after button click: Enable this box so when customers use a search box to find products in catalog, searching will be made only after magnifier icon in the bar or Enter on the keyboard is clicked. So, it won't search after each symbol entered.
Courses completion tracking: Enable this box to add course completion tracking to the Products Catalog on “My Courses” tab. When this box enabled, completion will be shown as a text.
Image AddedDisplay courses progress as bar: This setting works in collaboration within previous one - “Courses completion tracking“. Enable this box to add a progress line up to the course completion text.
Image AddedDisplay product schema: This setting works in collaboration with Guest Checkout functionality and an ability to open site for searching engines specifically. Enable this box to add product schema to product view page for guest. This helps searching engine to define product price with a “price” type to display a it correctly when product is searched.
NOTE: Enable this box during the process of setting up Guest Checkout. In case you do not do this, you may face with a problem that product price is 100 times bigger than expected when product is looked in a searching engine. This happens because searching engine reads decimal part as a main product price. It may take some time while searching engine update its' results within new price display, but you may update product description to speed up this process - it forces searching engine to read an updated version.
Featured products time duration enabled: This setting works in collaboration with “Enable featured products” setting above and “Featured products time duration“ setting below. Enable this box so that products marked as featured will be automatically unmarked after some period of time.
Featured products time duration: This setting works in collaboration with “Enable featured products” and “Featured products time duration enabled“ settings above. Add the number of weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds (it's up to you!) for which product will be automatically unmarked from featured.
Hide add to cart button on catalog page: Enable this box so that “Add to Cart” button will disappear from the Products Catalog for products' preview, and will stay only on the Product Details page.
Image Added