Report: RSI by Instructor

Report: RSI by Instructor

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Description: Provides Regular Substantive Interactions counts by Instructors in courses. Allows filtering by Term, Course, Last Activity Date and Instructor Name. On Top of the table provides average values of RSI counts across selected courses/terms/instructors.

Roles that may benefit from this report:

Academic Leadership: Can use the report to monitor faculty performance in terms of RSI to uphold academic standards and accreditation.

Registrars: Can use the report to validate that RSI is being consistently tracked for compliance in online courses.

Systems Administrators: Can use the report to oversee faculty RSI activity across departments to ensure consistent application of federal standards.


Header Data:

These data fields update when filters are utilized.

Submissions Graded Average: This measures the average number of student submissions (assignments, activities, etc.) manually graded by instructors across the selected courses or terms. (This does not include automatically graded submissions such as quizzes.)

Feedbacks Provided Average: This tracks the average number of times instructors provided detailed feedback on student work.

Forum Posts Average: This measures the average number of initial discussion posts made by instructors in course forums.

Forum Replies Average: This tracks the average number of replies instructors post in response to student contributions in course forums.

Conversation Messages Average: This measures the average number of direct messages (e.g., through a learning platform's messaging system) sent by instructors to students.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Provides a number of days lapsed since the date of students' Last Activity Date in a course.

Total number of submitted activities that have been graded. These are manually graded submissions only. This does not include automatically graded submissions such as quizzes.

Calculated by IntelliBoard based on LMS data. Provides total number of feedback given to users' submissions by an instructor in a course

Calculated by IntelliBoard. Provides total number of forum posts made by a teacher across all discussions in a course

Calculated by IntelliBoard based on LMS data. Provides the total number of replies made by a teacher across all discussions in a course

Calculated by IntelliBoard. Represents a number of all recipients in the conversation

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Collected from page view URLs, only counts time in which the mouse is moving or user is interacting with the page.

Report Filters:

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