Quiz Statistics Information

Quiz Statistics Information

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Description: The Quiz Statistics Information report displays the cumulative statistics information by quizzes in the course.


Report Filters:

Search Bar: Searches any columns that have the search function enabled. Confirm columns are included in the search under “Personalize Report” button.

Courses selection: Select only the course or courses you wish to view

Columns in Report:

This column may contain tags or labels assigned to the course. Tags are keywords or descriptors used to categorize or classify courses based on their content, subject matter, or other characteristics.

This column may contain tags or labels assigned to the quiz activity. These tags help in categorizing and organizing quizzes based on their content or other attributes.

This column indicates the total number of first attempts that have been completed and graded for the quiz. It provides insights into how many students have attempted the quiz and completed it on their first try.

This column represents the total number of attempts that have been completed and graded for the quiz, including first attempts as well as subsequent attempts by students who did not pass on their first try.

This column displays the average grade achieved by students on their first attempt at the quiz. It provides an overview of the initial performance of students.

This column indicates the average grade achieved by students across all attempts, including first attempts and subsequent attempts.

This column displays the average grade achieved by students on their last attempt at the quiz. It provides insights into whether students improved their performance over multiple attempts.

This column represents the average grade achieved by students on their highest graded attempt at the quiz. It focuses on the best performance of each student.

This column displays the median grade achieved by students on their highest graded attempt at the quiz. It provides a measure of central tendency for the highest grades.

This column indicates the variability or dispersion of student scores for their highest graded attempt at the quiz. A higher standard deviation suggests greater variability in performance.

This column measures the asymmetry of the score distribution for the highest graded attempt. It indicates whether the distribution of scores is skewed to the left or right.

This column measures the peakedness or flatness of the score distribution for the highest graded attempt. It provides insights into the shape of the distribution and the presence of outliers.

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