Report: User Level Course Access Details

Report: User Level Course Access Details

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Description: The User Level Course Access Details report summarizes an individual user’s access to a course. Critical data includes time spent, participations, first and last access. This dataset can be paired with Course Level Access Trends to identify individual users within a course or to understand positive access trends.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructor: Can use this report to quickly assess each student’s activity within the course to gauge their engagement level and identify students who may need additional support or intervention.

Student Advisor: Can use this report to track individual student participation across multiple courses to provide personalized support and guidance based on their activity levels and progress.

Curriculum Manager: Can use this report to analyze overall engagement levels of students across different courses within a category to assess the effectiveness of course offerings and identify areas for curriculum improvement.

User Level Course Access Details Report.png

Header Data:

Total Users: Shows the total number of users in the report. This number adjusts based on filters used within the report.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Report Filters:



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