Purpose: Offers a comprehensive snapshot of course data, focusing on key metrics such as course creation details, instructor assignments, activity counts, and access trends. A quick way to compare courses.
Use: Instructional designers can leverage this report to evaluate and compare course structures, monitor the distribution and variety of activities, and identify areas to enhance learner engagement and accessibility.
Course Content Statistics by Module: This multilevel report displays summary statistics for each activity in a course, organized by Module/Topic/Week. A course must be selected to display results. For each activity, the activity name, type, number of students who have viewed and participated in the activity, average views, participations, and time spent, average grade, and activity status are displayed. The report can be filtered by activity status.
Purpose: Provides detailed insights into student engagement and performance with course activities, organized by Module/Topic/Week, highlighting key metrics like views, participation, time spent, and average grades
Use: Analyze the effectiveness of specific activities, identify underperforming or underutilized content, and make data-driven decisions to optimize course design and improve student engagement.
Learning Outcomes Dashboard
Purpose: Visualizes student achievement of course outcomes, categorized by outcome scales, points possible, passing thresholds, and user counts, offering a clear overview of progress toward defined competencies or goals.
Use: To assess how well course outcomes are being met, identify gaps in student mastery, and refine assessments or instructional strategies to support learner success.
Outcome Completion by Course Bar Chart: The Outcome Completion by Course bar chart illustrates the number of users who have completed specific learning outcomes, sortable by learning outcomes or users, and filterable by course name, providing a clear view of student achievement across different courses and competencies.
Purpose: To highlight the number of learners who have completed specific learning outcomes to provide a comprehensive view of student achievement across courses.
Use: To track progress toward learning outcomes, identify courses or competencies needing improvement, and determine if there is alignment between instructional content and student achievement goals.
Grade Mastery Gradebook Report: The Grade Mastery Gradebook Report provides a detailed breakdown of each student's progress, with columns for user name, user email, course name, average outcome score for each competency, individual user scores, and the mastery level required score, allowing filtering by course name to track mastery levels and performance across courses.
Purpose: To provide a detailed view of student progress and mastery levels
Use: To monitor individual and overall student performance, identify gaps in mastery, and adjust course materials or assessments to better support student learning outcomes.
Page Views and Time Spent by Tools Dashboard
Purpose: To visualize the number of page views for each activity type allowing for deeper analysis of student interaction with different course tools and resources.
Use: To assess which activity types are receiving the most engagement, identify potential areas for improvement, and optimize course structure to enhance student interaction and learning.
Time Spent on Course Tools: Shows the amount of time spent per Activity Type.
Purpose: To track the amount of time students spend on each activity type within a course, offering insights into student engagement and interaction.
Use: To evaluate how much time students are dedicating to different activities, helping them identify potential issues with engagement or balance and refine course design accordingly.
Course Content Utilization: The Course Content Utilization report provides a detailed log of users' overall access to content/events/activities. Critical data includes users' activity-level time spent, first access and last access.
Purpose: To track users' engagement with course content, providing detailed data on time spent, first access, and last access.
Use: To assess which content or activities are being accessed most frequently, identify engagement trends, and optimize course materials based on when and how students interact with them.
Projected DFW Risk Dashboard
Purpose: To provide a visualization of DFW percentage of each course category or Sub-Account.
Use: To pinpoint categories with high failure or withdrawal rates, enabling targeted interventions to improve student retention and success.
DFW by Courses: This bar chart displays count of active learners by course with current course grades of D and F. This bar chart is intended to quickly identify courses that may have a high D/F/W rate.
Purpose: To visually represent the DFW percentage of each course to quickly identify courses with high failure or withdrawal rates.
Use: To identify individual courses with high D/F/W rates, allowing them to make targeted adjustments to course content, structure, or support to improve student outcomes.
Projected DFW Risk: This table chart displays a count of learners course grades separated by 3 values: grades 0-59 (red), 60-69 (yellow), 70-100 (green). This intends to be paired with the corresponding DFW by Course bar chart, allowing you to quickly identify courses that may have a high D/F/W rate. Additional information about course, including category, term, course codes, total enrollments, is included for additional detail.
Purpose: To see a breakdown of learners' course grades by risk categories (0-59, 60-69, 70-100), providing a detailed view of potential D/F/W risks across courses, with additional course information for context.
Use: To pinpoint at-risk courses, enabling proactive course adjustments and targeted interventions to reduce failure and withdrawal rates.
Course Learner Risk Summary Dashboard
Purpose: To visualize a weekly snapshot of total number of at-risk learners in each course
Use: To track at-risk learners over time and identify trends in each course.
Course Learner Risk Points Summary: Provides snapshots of daily summaries of risk to learners in courses. Can be filtered by courses and categories, date range, and the number of learners at risk per course on a given day.
Purpose: To show daily snapshots of learners in courses, displaying the number of learners at risk and course averages.
Use: To view fluctuations in learner risk in specific courses, helping them identify critical periods for intervention and adjust course strategies to support at-risk students.
Needs Grading Dashboard
Needs Grading Chart
Needs Grading Report
Learner Success Dashboard
Learners Average Course Grade
Learner Course Progress Monitoring
Learner Activity Submission Progress
Instructor Behavior Dashboard
Needs Grading Chart
Instructor Daily Presence
Instructor Course Engagement Summary
Instructor Course Activity Engagement Detail
Activity Grade Overview Dashboard
Activity Grade Distribution
Activity Time Spent Grade Correlation
Activity Grade Summary
Learner Activity Detail
Activity Performance Summary
Course Verification
RSI by Instructor
Course Stats
Course Readiness Report
Learner Statistics by Module and Activity
The Needs Grading Dashboard combines the Needs Grading bar chart with the Needs Grading report. Courses selected using the Needs Grading chart automatically filter the table of the report.
Needs Grading Chart: This bar chart displays the number of ungraded submissions in each displayed course.
Purpose: To highlight the volume of ungraded submissions across courses to provide a clear overview of grading demands
Use: To identify courses that have heavier grading loads to allocate resources or support accordingly
Needs Grading Report: The Needs Grading report displays activities that learners have submitted that still need grading in the LMS system
Purpose: To provide a detailed view of submitted learner activities that are pending grading
Use: To monitor grading workloads and identify specific activities that require attention
Learner Success Dashboard
Primarily used for those working to support student success, this Dashboard highlights the learners who's total course average is below a 59, between 60-70, or over 80. Identify which learners are at-risk, their last dates of system login, course access, course average, missing submissions and late submissions.
Learners Average Course Grade: This chart displays the average of the learner's current course grades. For example, if a learner is taking 5 courses, the bar represents the average grade of those 5 courses.
Purpose: To provide a visual representation of the average current grades for individual learners across all their courses
Use: To track overall learner performance trends and access the effectiveness of course content and instruction
Learner Course Progress Monitoring: The Learner Course Progress Monitoring report shows student's score, progress and activity in courses. This version is intended to monitor academic progress, and uses the following scale: 0-59%, 60-69%, and70+% as risk benchmarks
Purpose: To track learner’s scores, progress, and activity levels in their courses
Use: To identify at-risk learners, monitor academic progress, and implement target intervention to improve learning outcomes
Learner Activity Submission Progress: This tabular report displays the learners' submitted activities to courses, including the activity type, activity score, completion (or submission) date and when the activity was graded (if applicable).
Purpose: To provide a detailed record of learners' submitted activities.
Use: To monitor learner engagement, track assignment completion trends, and evaluate grading timelines for better course management
Instructor Behavior Dashboard
Intended for Academic Leadership, this Dashboard helps monitor Instructor behavior in courses.
Needs Grading Chart: This bar chart displays the number of ungraded submissions in each displayed course.
Purpose: To provide visibility into the volume of ungraded submissions, enabling proactive grading management.
Use: To identify courses with high numbers of ungraded submissions and prioritize grading efforts.
Instructor Daily Presence: This line graph displays the instructors daily page views and defaults to a two week period.
Purpose: To track instructors’ daily activity within courses for performance monitoring and support.
Use: To analyze trends in instructor presence over time to ensure consistent engagement in courses.
Instructor Course Engagement Summary: Displays detailed information about instructor behavior within courses and learners, including instructor email and a link to the course, and count of submissions broken out by grade status. Can be filtered by category/course, course start date, and course end date.
Purpose: To offer a comprehensive overview of instructor interactions with courses and learners.
Use: To access detailed metrics, including email links and submission statuses, to evaluate engagement and address gaps.
Instructor Course Activity Engagement Detail: The Instructor Course Activity Engagement Detail report details instructor time spent for all activities used within a course.
Purpose: To measure the time instructors spend on various course activities for deeper engagement insights.
Use: To assess time allocation to activities within courses and identify opportunities for workload balance.
Activity Grade Overview Dashboard
Allows an instructor to select a specific activity or group of activities and see the grade distribution, correlation between time spent and grade, summary statistics about the activity grades (average, minimum, median, maximum and standard deviation), and detail of students in the activity (grade, visits, time spent, participation, and first and last access).
Activity Grade Distribution: The chart shows the number of learners who have achieved each letter grade for the selected activities as a histogram.
Purpose: To visualize the grade distribution for selected activities and identify performance trends.
Use: To analyze how learners are performing across grade categories and identify outliers or areas needing attention.
Activity Time Spent Grade Correlation: Shows the correlation between time spent on selected activities and the LMS gradebook grade on those activities per Learner. The user can filter by Course, Activity, and Graded At date.
Purpose: To explore the relationship between time spent on activities and grades achieved by learners.
Use: To identify whether increased time spent correlates with better grades to inform support or intervention strategies.
Activity Grade Summary: This tabular report provides summary statistics of grades for each activity, including average (mean), minimum, median, maximum, and standard deviation. The report can be filtered by course, activity, and graded at date.
Purpose: To provide key statistical insights into grades for selected activities.
Use: To evaluate overall performance trends and compare activities using summary statistics like mean and standard deviation.
Learner Activity Detail: This tabular dataset shows common statistics for each learner in each activity, e.g. grade, graded at date, visits, time spent, participations, first and last access dates, and the span of "calendar time" during which the student accessed the activity. Filters allow selection by course, activity, and graded at date.
Purpose: To deliver granular insights into learner engagement and performance at the activity level.
Use: To examine individual learner data, including time spent and participation metrics, to tailor interventions or provide targeted support.
Activity Performance Summary
This report provides information about the average grade, number of visits, time spent, and number of participations per course activity. It can be filtered by category/course, activity name, activity type, and average grade. Is useful for notifications
Purpose: To provide a comprehensive overview of average grades, visits, time spent, and participations across course activities.
Use: To identify trends in activity performance and trigger notifications for underperforming areas or learners.
Course Verification
Leverage the Course List dataset to review course level information, including course location, course codes, and a summary of course activity. Grey columns represent system level information; blue columns represent course level information.
Purpose: To review and validate course-level information, including codes, locations, and activity summaries.
Use: To confirm course setup accuracy and ensure all relevant information aligns with system-level data.
RSI by Instructor
Provides Regular Substantive Interactions counts by Instructors in courses. Allows filtering by Term, Course, Last Activity Date and Instructor Name. On Top of the table provides average values of RSI counts across selected courses/terms/instructors.
Purpose: To track Regular Substantive Interactions (RSI) by instructors across courses, offering insights into engagement levels.
Use: To monitor and evaluate instructor interactions for compliance with RSI requirements and provide targeted feedback.
Course Stats
The Course Status report displays cumulative course statistics filterable by category and course, course creation date, activity period, and average course grade.
Purpose: To summarize key course metrics, such as creation dates, activity periods, and average grades.
Use: To analyze course performance trends and assess overall course effectiveness.
Course Readiness Report
Displays detailed information about instructor behavior within courses and learners, including instructor email and a link to the course, and count of submissions broken out by grade status. Can be filtered by category/course, course start date, and course end date.
Purpose: To assess instructor activity and readiness in courses, providing granular submission and engagement data.
Use: To evaluate instructor behaviors and identify gaps in preparation or engagement within courses.
Learner Statistics by Module and Activity
This multilevel report displays summary statistics for each learner in a course, organized by Module/Topic/Week and Activity. A course must be selected to display results. For each learner, the , number of views, participations, total time spent, and most recent grade are displayed. The report can be filtered by activity status.
Purpose: To deliver detailed insights into learner engagement and performance by module, topic, or activity.
Use: To monitor learner progress at granular levels, identify at-risk students, and tailor interventions for success.