An LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) connection is a standard protocol that allows learning tools or applications to integrate seamlessly with Learning Management Systems (LMS) or other educational platforms. LTI enables these external tools to be launched and used within the LMS environment, facilitating a cohesive and integrated learning experience for users.
To set up your LTI in your LMS:
From your IntelliBoard account, ensure you have successfully connected the LMS to IntelliBoard.
Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.
Select “Manage Connections.”
The connection should have a blue circle under the “Active” column. You can click the circle to activate or deactivate the connection.
Click the three dots below the “Actions” column next to the connection you wish to edit, and select “Edit.”
Click the “Advanced Setting” tab.
Click the “LTI Tokens” drop down menu to access the LTI information. You’ll need to add this information to the LTI of your choosing. Keep this open for easy copy and paste access. Note: you cannot edit these values and they are unique per client and connection.
Follow the directions below for individual LTI connection setup information.
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title | Connect to Canvas LMS |
Create LTI Connection inside your Canvas Administrator User account. Your IntelliBoard Account and your Canvas Admin User account must have matching emails for LTI. Update your IntelliBoard email address if needed. Update Email Address From the main page, click “Admin” and then select the preferred “Admin Account.” Click “Settings.” Click the “Apps” tab and click “View App Configurations” button. Click the “+App” button for the “Add App” form to pop up. Configuration Type: Choose “By URL” from the drop down menu Name: Name the LTI app Consumer Key: The LTI Consumer Key field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Shared Secret: The LTI Consumer Secret field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Configure URL: The URL field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information.
Click “Submit.” Confirm the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Confirm LTI Visibility: All Users LTI Visibility Admin: Enabled LTI only forAdminusers LTI Visibility Course: Enabled LTI for Course level users Confirm “Contact Person Name” and “Contact Email Address: is completed Confirm “LTI Title” and “LTI Icon Color” is completed.
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In your Canvas Administrator account, select “Admin” in the menu on the left side of the screen Image AddedSelect the Account you want to connect. Image AddedIn the Admin menu, select “Developer Keys.” Image AddedClick the “+Developer Key” button on the right side, and select “+ LTI Key” from the dropdown menu. Image AddedFill out the “Tool Creation Form” and click the “Save” button. Image Added1. Key Name: Give the key a name for easy identification. “IntelliBoard Pro LTI 1.3” for example. 2. Redirect URLs: Enter https://next.intelliboard.net/lti-advanced/launch/us This is a required field. For users, outside of the United States, use the appropriate “next” URL. i.e. next-eu.intelliboard, next-au.intelliboard, next-sg.intelliboard, etc. 3. Method: Choose “Manual Entry” from the dropdown menu. 4. Title: Name the Connection for easy identification. This is a required field. 5. Description: Write a short description to ensure other admins understand the use of this connection. This is a required field. 6. Target Link URL: Enter https://next.intelliboard.net/lti-advanced/launch/us This is a required field. For users, outside of the United States, use the appropriate “next” URL. i.e. next-eu.intelliboard, next-au.intelliboard, next-sg.intelliboard, etc. 7. OpenID Connect Initiation URL: Enter https://next.intelliboard.net/lti-advanced/login/us This is a required field. For users, outside of the United States, use the appropriate “next” URL. i.e. next-eu.intelliboard, next-au.intelliboard, next-sg.intelliboard, etc. 8. JWK Method: Select “Public JWK URL” from the dropdown menu. 9. Public JWK: Enter https://next-dev.intelliboard.net/lti-advanced/jwks/us 10. LTI Advantage Services: Enable all services by sliding the toggles to show green check marks. Image Added 11. Additional Settings: Change the privacy level to “Public.” Image Added 12. Save: Click the “Save” button to create your tool or “cancel” to cancel this process. After saving, you will be returned to the “Developer Keys” list. Find the key you just created. Under the “State” column, ensure it is toggled to “On” and displays a green check mark. Image AddedIn the “Details” column of the key you created, copy the Client ID number value listed. This is the number listed above the “Show Key” button, not the key you receive when clicking the “Show Key” button. The Client ID number is highlighted in blue in the picture below. Image AddedGo to “Settings” in the “Admin” menu. Image AddedSelect the “Apps” tab. Image AddedClick the “View App Configurations” button in the top right of the External Apps page. Image AddedClick the “+App” button in the top right. Image AddedThe “Add App” form will pop up. Change the Configuration Type to “By Client ID” using the drop down menu. Image AddedPaste the “Client ID” you copied in step 7 above in the “Client ID” field and click “Submit” button. Image AddedIn the “External Apps” app configuration list, find the developer key name you created in step 5 above. Click the “Setting” icon to the far right to drop down the menu and select “Deployment ID” Image AddedCopy the Deployment ID that pops up. In your IntelliBoard Admin account, go to “Manage Connections” in the avatar menu in the top right corner. Image AddedClick the “Actions” menu next to your connection and select “Edit.” Image AddedClick the “Advanced Settings” Tab and select “LTI Tokens.” Image AddedComplete the LTI 1.3 section. Image Added1. Platform ID: https://canvas.instructure.com/ 2. Client ID: paste the Client ID from step 7 above. 3. Auth Login URL: https://canvas.instructure.com/api/lti/authorize_redirect 4. Auth Token URL: https://<your-canvas-domain>Example(intelliboard) .instructure.com/login/oauth2/token 5. Key Set URL: https://<your-canvas-domain>Example(intelliboard) .instructure.com/api/lti/security/jwks 6. Deployments: past the Deployment ID from step 15. Scroll to the bottom of the “Advanced Settings” page and click the “Save” button.
Moodle LMS
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title | Connect to Moodle LMS |
Create LTI connection inside your Moodle Administrator account. Go to “Site Administration” and click “Plugins.”Select “Local Plugins” and then “IntelliData.”at the bottom of the menu on the left side of the screen. Image AddedClick “Plugins” and select “Local Plugins” from the drop down. Image AddedSelect “IntelliData” from the drop down menu. Image AddedScroll down to “IB Next LTI” “LTI Configuration” and copy data from the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information from step 7 above. Tool URL: The URL field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Key: The LTI Consumer Key field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Secret: The LTI Consumer Secret field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Click Image Added
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes” button. Image AddedCurrently, users with the following roles are able to utilize LTI: teacher and student can use the LTI. In order for a user to be able to use the LTI associated with IntelliBoard, the user account needs to be created in IntelliBoard. You will need to sync IB Users. link Learn how to Sync sync IB User page here
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title | Create a Custom Role in Moodle to allow LTI Access for Instructors |
Each organization has unique access requirements, and some prefer not to grant system administrator rights to instructors in Moodle LMS. Without these rights, the analytics IntelliBoard provides are not accessible. In order to grant access to the analytics, but not other system administration areas, a custom role can provide the solution. Creating a Custom Role to Allow LTI Access in Moodle |
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title | Connect to Moodle and Moodle WorkplaceLTI 1.3 Moodle |
Create LTI connection inside your Moodle Administrator account. Go to “Site Administration” at the bottom of the menu on the left side of the screen. Image AddedClick “Plugins” and click “Plugins.” Select “Local Plugins” and then “IntelliData.” Scroll down to “LTI Configuration” and copy data from the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Tool URL: The URL field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Key: The LTI Consumer Key field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information. Secret: The LTI Consumer Secret field in the IntelliBoard LTI connection setup information.
Set LTI Menu Title to Analytics Check the box next to “Display in Custom Menu.” Click “Save Changes” button. select “Activity Modules” from the drop down. Then select “External Tool” and “Manage Tools.” Image AddedIn the “Manage Tools” page that opens, click the blue link “configure a tool manually.” Image AddedFill out the “External Tool Creation” form that opens. Image Added1. Tool name - This is the display name of the external tool. This field is required. 2. Tool URL - https://next.intelliboard.net/lti-advanced/launch/us This field is required. 3. Tool description - A brief explanation of the external tool and its purpose. This field can be left blank. 4. LTI version - Use the drop down menu to select “LTI 1.3” 5. Public key type - Use the drop down menu to select “Keyset URL” 6. Public keyset - This field can be left blank. 7. Initiate login URL - https://next.intelliboard.net/lti-advanced/login/us 8. Redirection URI(s) - https://next.intelliboard.net/lti-advanced/launch/us 9. Custom parameters - This field can be left blank. 10. Tool configuration usage - Select “Show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool” from the drop down menu. Or, if you want to make LTI visible on a course level select “Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool.” 11. Default launch container - Select “Embed, without blocks” from the drop down menu 12. Content Selection URL - This field can be left blank. Scroll down to the “Privacy” section and open the menu. Select “Always” from the drop down menu for both “Share launcher’s name with tool” and “Share launcher’s email with tool.” Image AddedClick “Save Changes” button. In the “Manage Tools” page, you should now see the new tool. Click the “Configuration” icon. Image AddedCopy the Tool Configuration Details to add to the IntelliBoard connection. Image AddedIn your IntelliBoard administrator account, go to your Connections page. Refer to steps above to access LTI tokens page of your connection. Check the box next to “LTI 1.3 Setting” and complete the required fields below with the information you copied in step 9. Image AddedPlatform ID → Platform ID Client ID → Client ID Auth Login URL→ Authentication request URL Auth Token URL → Access token URL Key Set URL → Public keyset URL Deployments →Deployment ID Scroll down and click “Save” to save you changes.
To Connect LTI to a Course: In step 5 above, be sure to select “Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool.” in the Tool configuration usage if you want to make LTI visible on a course level. NOTE: You can add LTI 1.3 to courses on an individual basis; it cannot be applied to all courses simultaneously. If you want to include it in all your courses, you'll need to manually add it to each course as an activity. Go to the course you wish to connect LTI with and click the “Turn Editing On” button. Image AddedClick “Add activity or resource” button Image AddedFind your LTI 1.3 you created and select it. Image AddedName to tool then scroll down and click “Save.” Image AddedThe LTI tool will now appear in the course level. Image Added Image Added
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title | Connect to Moodle Workplace |
Follow the Moodle LMS connection directions above to set up LTI tokens inside your Moodle Administrator account. At this point, only the site administrator(s) can see this menu item. You must add this permission to a site-wide role to enable other users to see this menu item. To do this, add the permission to the Authenticated User role. This will enable learners as well as instructors to see IntelliBoard. Under “Site Administration” in your Moodle Administrator account, click “Users.” Image AddedUnder the “Permissions” group, click “Define Roles.” Image Added Click Find “Authenticated User” and click the “Edit” button.
Image AddedScroll down to “Capability” and filter using “Intellidata“IntelliData.” Set Check the “Allow” box next to “IntelliBoard LTI View” to “AllowView.” Image AddedClick “Save Changes” button.
If you want to grant permission to view the LTI to only selected users, e.g. only instructors, you will need to create a custom separate system-level role, e.g. “LTIview,” and assign that role to the users you want to give the permission to. Under “Site Administration” in your Moodle Administrator account, click “Users.” Under the “Permissions” group, click “Define Roles.” Click the newly created role such as “LTIview” and click the “Edit” button. Scroll down to “Capability” and filter using “Intellidata.” Set “IntelliBoard LTI View” to “Allow.” Click “Save Changes” button.
You now need to grant this system role to only those users who should have it. Moodle provides a utility to update roles per user: Use Moodle or IntelliBoard to export a list of usernames for all users with a Teacher role in at least one course. Use this list to construct a CSV file The first row of the import file consists of this exact text:username,sysrole1 Every row after will look similar to this:mlrobson,ltiview Here, “mlrobson” is a username and "ltiview" is the name of the new role that allows the LTI menu item to be visible. It is also possible to remove the system role from a user by including a line like this:
mlrobson,-ltiview The minus sign removes the role.
Follow the directions on the “Upload Users” documentation page referenced above to use the CSV file to add/remove roles. In order for a user to be able to use the LTI associated with IntelliBoard, the user account needs to be created in IntelliBoard. You will need to sync IB Users. link to Sync IB User page here Creating a Custom Role to Allow LTI Access in Moodle |
Frequently Asked Questions:
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title | What if Instructors don't have LTI Access through Moodle? |
Each organization has unique access requirements, and some prefer not to grant system administrator rights to instructors in Moodle LMS. Without these rights, the analytics IntelliBoard provides are not accessible. In order to grant access to the analytics, but not other system administration areas, a custom role can provide the solution. Creating a Custom Role to Allow LTI Access in Moodle |