Instructor Behavior Dashboard
Intended for Academic Leadership, this Dashboard helps monitor Instructor behavior in courses.
Needs Grading Chart: This bar chart displays the number of ungraded submissions in each displayed course.
Purpose: To provide visibility into the volume of ungraded submissions, enabling proactive grading management.
Use: To identify courses with high numbers of ungraded submissions and prioritize grading efforts.
Instructor Daily Presence: This line graph displays the instructors daily page views and defaults to a two week period.
Purpose: To track instructors’ daily activity within courses for performance monitoring and support.
Use: To analyze trends in instructor presence over time to ensure consistent engagement in courses.
Instructor Course Engagement Summary
Instructor Course Activity Engagement Detail
Activity Grade Overview Dashboard
Activity Grade Distribution
Activity Time Spent Grade Correlation
Activity Grade Summary
Learner Activity Detail
Activity Performance Summary
Course Verification
RSI by Instructor
Course Stats
Course Readiness Report
Learner Statistics by Module and Activity
: Displays detailed information about instructor behavior within courses and learners, including instructor email and a link to the course, and count of submissions broken out by grade status. Can be filtered by category/course, course start date, and course end date.
Purpose: To offer a comprehensive overview of instructor interactions with courses and learners.
Use: To access detailed metrics, including email links and submission statuses, to evaluate engagement and address gaps.
Instructor Course Activity Engagement Detail: The Instructor Course Activity Engagement Detail report details instructor time spent for all activities used within a course.
Purpose: To measure the time instructors spend on various course activities for deeper engagement insights.
Use: To assess time allocation to activities within courses and identify opportunities for workload balance.
Activity Grade Overview Dashboard
Allows an instructor to select a specific activity or group of activities and see the grade distribution, correlation between time spent and grade, summary statistics about the activity grades (average, minimum, median, maximum and standard deviation), and detail of students in the activity (grade, visits, time spent, participation, and first and last access).
Activity Grade Distribution: The chart shows the number of learners who have achieved each letter grade for the selected activities as a histogram.
Purpose: To visualize the grade distribution for selected activities and identify performance trends.
Use: To analyze how learners are performing across grade categories and identify outliers or areas needing attention.
Activity Time Spent Grade Correlation: Shows the correlation between time spent on selected activities and the LMS gradebook grade on those activities per Learner. The user can filter by Course, Activity, and Graded At date.
Purpose: To explore the relationship between time spent on activities and grades achieved by learners.
Use: To identify whether increased time spent correlates with better grades to inform support or intervention strategies.
Activity Grade Summary: This tabular report provides summary statistics of grades for each activity, including average (mean), minimum, median, maximum, and standard deviation. The report can be filtered by course, activity, and graded at date.
Purpose: To provide key statistical insights into grades for selected activities.
Use: To evaluate overall performance trends and compare activities using summary statistics like mean and standard deviation.
Learner Activity Detail: This tabular dataset shows common statistics for each learner in each activity, e.g. grade, graded at date, visits, time spent, participations, first and last access dates, and the span of "calendar time" during which the student accessed the activity. Filters allow selection by course, activity, and graded at date.
Purpose: To deliver granular insights into learner engagement and performance at the activity level.
Use: To examine individual learner data, including time spent and participation metrics, to tailor interventions or provide targeted support.
Activity Performance Summary
This report provides information about the average grade, number of visits, time spent, and number of participations per course activity. It can be filtered by category/course, activity name, activity type, and average grade. Is useful for notifications
Purpose: To provide a comprehensive overview of average grades, visits, time spent, and participations across course activities.
Use: To identify trends in activity performance and trigger notifications for underperforming areas or learners.
Course Verification
Leverage the Course List dataset to review course level information, including course location, course codes, and a summary of course activity. Grey columns represent system level information; blue columns represent course level information.
Purpose: To review and validate course-level information, including codes, locations, and activity summaries.
Use: To confirm course setup accuracy and ensure all relevant information aligns with system-level data.
RSI by Instructor
Provides Regular Substantive Interactions counts by Instructors in courses. Allows filtering by Term, Course, Last Activity Date and Instructor Name. On Top of the table provides average values of RSI counts across selected courses/terms/instructors.
Purpose: To track Regular Substantive Interactions (RSI) by instructors across courses, offering insights into engagement levels.
Use: To monitor and evaluate instructor interactions for compliance with RSI requirements and provide targeted feedback.
Course Stats
The Course Status report displays cumulative course statistics filterable by category and course, course creation date, activity period, and average course grade.
Purpose: To summarize key course metrics, such as creation dates, activity periods, and average grades.
Use: To analyze course performance trends and assess overall course effectiveness.
Course Readiness Report
Displays detailed information about instructor behavior within courses and learners, including instructor email and a link to the course, and count of submissions broken out by grade status. Can be filtered by category/course, course start date, and course end date.
Purpose: To assess instructor activity and readiness in courses, providing granular submission and engagement data.
Use: To evaluate instructor behaviors and identify gaps in preparation or engagement within courses.
Learner Statistics by Module and Activity
This multilevel report displays summary statistics for each learner in a course, organized by Module/Topic/Week and Activity. A course must be selected to display results. For each learner, the , number of views, participations, total time spent, and most recent grade are displayed. The report can be filtered by activity status.
Purpose: To deliver detailed insights into learner engagement and performance by module, topic, or activity.
Use: To monitor learner progress at granular levels, identify at-risk students, and tailor interventions for success.