Image RemovedEnable Application Pre-Approval: This setting allows you to create application pre-approval products, that users has to buy and admins should approve before customer will be able to purchase some other products. This adds an Application Pre-approval product type to the editing page (so that such products could be created), and Other Requests tab to the Sales page (so that admins or vendor managers will be able to approve purchasing). NOTE: Vendor managers will be able to approve/reject requests made by users from their vendor only. Select the option how the Application Pre-approval will be applied. None - An Application Pre-approval will be disabled, such type of products will be removed from options to select on the product editing page, and Other Requests tab won't be shown. Single - An Application Pre-approval type of products will be added to options to select on the product editing page, and Other Requests tab will be shown. When you create an app fee product, user has to purchase this one and this purchasing has to be approved by admin or manager before user's ability to buy others (even if he adds to cart another product). If this option is selected only 1 App Fee is allowed for all products and this has to be bought only once (IntelliCart won't force you to buy this one more time). NOTE: You can create only one "Application Pre-approval" product with this option selected. I.e., you have selected this option under the setting, and created a product A with Application Pre-approval type. Then you have also created a regular products B and C. User wants to buy the product B, and he clicks on Add to Cart button for this. As he didn't pay for an Application Pre-approval, he'll be promptly redirected to the checkout page for product A without any discounts and/or coupons and with all active payment methods. When paid, the notification will be sent to all site admins and managers, so that someone could approve or reject user's payment. When approved, user could purchase a product B without problems. And if he wants to buy product C in some days, he'll be able to do this without need to pay for a product A one more time. Multiple - An Application Pre-approval type of products will be added to options to select on the product editing page, and Other Requests tab will be shown. If this option selected, you will be able to create several products with mentioned type, and then assign them to different products under Assign “Assign Pre-Approval Product Product” setting on the product editing page. When user is going to purchase any of the products, he has to buy an app fee product assigned to the selected one. Then this purchasing has to be approved by admin or manager before user's ability to buy required product. NOTE: All other products where you haven't assign any "Application Pre-approval" will require a purchasing of the application fee product that was created first. Find next setting description to get known how to disable this. NOTE: You could share the direct link to application pre-approval product with customer. When he purchase that, and his request is approved, he'll be able to buy the main product without limitations. To get the link to product, navigate to IntelliCart > Products, click on product name you wish to share, and copy the URL (web page link). I.e., you have selected this option under the setting, and created products "App Fee 1" and "App Fee 2" with Application Pre-approval type. Then you have also created a regular products A and B. You have also assigned "App Fee 1" to product A and "App Fee 2" to product B. User wants to buy the product A, and he clicks on Add to Cart button for this. As he didn't pay for an Application Pre-approval for this product, he'll be promptly redirected to the checkout page for product "App Fee 1" without any discounts and/or coupons and with all active payment methods. When paid, the notification will be sent to all site admins and managers, so that someone could approve or reject user's payment. When approved, user could purchase a product A without problems. And if he wants to buy product B, he'll need to pay for an "App Fee 2" first and be approved again before purchasing exactly product B. NOTE: You could assign only 1 App Fee to the product, but you could assign the same App Fee to different products. E.g., you could have Product A, Product B and Product C, and "App Fee 1" and "App Fee 2". So you're able to assign an "App Fee 1" to Product A, and "App Fee 2" to Products B and C. User will need to pay for an "App Fee 2" in both cases - when he wants to purchase product B and/or product C.
Apply One For Products with Assigned Preapproval Product: Enable this box so that application pre-approval products will be applied only to the products that have assigned app pre-approval one. I.e., you have created a product A with Application Pre-approval type, and a regular product B with Online type and product A as a pre-approval product. Also, you've created a regular product C with Online type, but without any pre-approval product. If this setting is disabled, IntelliCart will force users to purchase a product A even if they wish to buy product C (that has no assignation). But when this setting is enabled, and user wants to buy a product C, he won't need to purchase product A as an application pre-approval. NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with "Multi" option from Enable Application Pre-approval setting above. Pre-Approval Fee Amount: Add the global amount of pre-approval fee (in default currency) that will be applied for application pre-approval products as a default one (if you enter 0 to the Price field for product). NOTE: You will be able to set up a custom pre-approval fee for products, too, by entering another value to the Price field to product editing page. Enable Auto Approval Application Pre-Approval Requests: Enable this box so that application pre-approval requests will be automatically approved after customer's payment without need of intervention by admin or manager. As requests are going to be approved automatically, you may disable notifications sent to managers and users about approval by disabling Send Application Pre-approval Request instructor notification setting and enabling Not send Application Pre-approval Request Approved Notification (to User) setting. Enable Pre-Training Fee: Enable this box to add an ability to set up a pre-training fee for products. User will have an ability to pay only Pre-Training price to get product. When paid, user will be enrolled into the product, and his seat will be used, but he will not be enrolled in course(s) until course start (use Scheduled Enrollment settings for this). This feature will use a Global Pre-training Fee (see below) for all products as a default one, but will also add a Pre-training Fee field to product editing page, where you can add other value than global. When user paid for the deposit, he will have Pay for Product button to be able to pay the rest of the full product price (or first subscription payment). NOTE: This feature requires to have a Buy one product at once setting is enabled. I.e., you enabled this feature and set up the Global Pre-training Fee to $10. Also you have created a product with scheduled enrollment and set a price as $100 to this product. When user is going to buy the product, IntelliCart will ask him to pay only $10 at first (this will become a deposit for the product place). After payment, the user will be marked as the product purchaser, but won't be enrolled into product course(s) for now. He will be added to the Scheduled Enrollment list instead until his enrollment starts. He will also need to pay the rest $90 before course starts. Global Pre-Training Fee: Add the global amount of pre-training fee (in default currency) that will be applied for all products as a default one. NOTE: You will be able to set up a custom fee for products, too, by entering another value to the Pre-training Fee field to product editing page. NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Enable Pre-training Fee and Buy one product at once settings. Enable Payment Validation Before Training Start: Enable this box so that IntelliCart will check if the user fully paid for the product (with regular or first subscription payment) before scheduled course enrollment. NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Validate payment before and Action if training is not purchased settings below. I.e., you set up the Validate payment before setting to check user payments for 1 day before course starts, and selected a Delete scheduled enrollments option under Action if training is not purchased setting. User is going to buy a product with pre-training fee. He has already paid a deposit and was added to the Scheduled Enrollments list (as he's not enrolled into the course yet). The product course will start on March 20. So the IntelliCart will check on March 19 whether the user has paid the full product product price, and if not, delete this enrollment from the scheduled list, so the user won't be enrolled into the course on March 20. Validate Payment Before: Add the number of weeks/days/hours/minutes/seconds (it's up to you!) for which the IntelliCart will check whether the user paid for the product where he already has a pre-training fee. NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Enable Payment validation before training start above and Action if training is not purchased settings below. Action if Training is Not Purchased: Select the action that will be done with user scheduled enrollment if he doesn't pay for the product where he already has a pre-training fee. NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Enable Payment validation before training start and Validate payment before settings above. NOTE: This is validating by the IntelliCart Expiration cron task. Display Deleted Scheduled Enrollments: Enable this box so that scheduled enrollments that were deleted from the system because user didn't pay for full product price (or first subscription payment) after pre-training fee will be shown in the Scheduled Enrollment list with the Deleted status. Assign Courses to App Preapproval Product: NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with "Multi" option from Enable Application Pre-approval setting above. Enable this box so that you'll be able to assign courses to products that have an Application Pre-approval type. Users who paid for app pre-approval product will be enrolled into assigned course after purchasing (or depending on product enrollment setting). I.e., you have created a product A with Application Pre-approval type, and assigned course A to this. Also, you've created a regular product B with Online type and product A as a pre-approval product, and assigned course B to this. When user wants to buy product B, IntelliCart will navigate him to the purchasing page of product A (due to Enable Application Pre-approval setting). User buys the product A and is going to be enrolled into the course A momentarily (even before his request is approved, because course A assigned only to product A). When admin/manager approves his request, user will be able to purchase product B and be enrolled into course B. 