Enable Manual Enrollment: Enable this box to add Enrollments action to products. Select user(s) who you want to be manually enrolled into the product and course(s) in it. You can select all users by enabling such checkbox under the drop-down.
Click on Save changes to apply this filter in your LMS system. NOTE: Users who are manually enrolled will be displayed in All Sales report on the Sales tab with a Manual status and zeros in the payment columns.
Enable Approval Enrollment: Enable this box to restrict user's automatic access to course(s) in the purchased product and to add an ability to approve courses users want to be enrolled in.
NOTE: This is working only for product's with seats.
NOTE: You should enable "Show Product items on Product Page" setting on the product editing page, so your users will be able to review and select course(s) they want to be enrolled in.
I.e., you have a few courses assigned to a product. Manager buys a few seats in it for his students. Then he send a key to students for "buying" a product or enroll them manually (see Enable Seats Enrollment setting in Vendors block settings). When a student is enrolled into the product, this feature won't enroll him automatically into the courses in it. The student will need to go to the course enrolling page to send a request to a manager for enrolling him into the specific course.
This request will appear on the Requests tab Sales for a manager, where he can approve or reject this.
Manager can also manually enroll students into specific courses by clicking a Details action and selecting specific courses he needs.
Image RemovedEnable Free Enrollment: Enable this box to make ALL products in your LMS system free. In this case you (as an admin) won't be able to add prices to products, user's won't need to add products to the cart. They'll be able to enroll to / unenroll from the products and courses inside them by clicking the Enroll / Unenroll button that will appear instead of the Add to cart button.
NOTE: When this option is enabled "Payment Types" tab on IntelliCart dashboard will be hidden!
Image RemovedEnable Auto Enrollment: Enable specific courses he needs.
Image AddedEnable Free Enrollment: Enable this box to make ALL products in your LMS system free. In this case you (as an admin) won't be able to add prices to products, user's won't need to add products to the cart. They'll be able to enroll to / unenroll from the products and courses inside them by clicking the Enroll / Unenroll button that will appear instead of the Add to cart button.
NOTE: When this option is enabled "Payment Types" tab on IntelliCart dashboard will be hidden!
Image AddedEnable Auto Enrollment: Enable this box so that users who were added to the vendor will be automatically enrolled into product(s) this vendor was assigned to. I.e., you assigned an Acme Corp vendor to the Math product. When you add a user to the Acme Corp vendor, he'll be momentarily enrolled into the Math product without need to pay for it.
Enable user profile field auto enrollment: This setting works in collaboration with “Enable User Profile Fields” (enabled) and “Not filter empty Profile Fields data” (disabled) settings from Categories and Products block of settings above, and also with “Enable managing Users“ setting from Vendors block of settings.
Enable this box so that users who were added to the vendor imported from the file (with some profile field set) will be automatically enrolled into the product(s) this vendor was assigned to. I.e., you assigned an Acme Corp vendor to the Math product. When you add a user to the Acme Corp vendor, he'll be momentarily enrolled into the Math product without need to pay for itwhere is the same profile field assigned.
I.e., you want to upload some users into the LMS system using IntelliCart importing from Vendors > Manage Users > Import. You created a file based on the example, and added a profile field “Country” to the file to define user’s placement. When you upload this file, user will be automatically enrolled into the product(s) where the same country is assigned for filtering.
Enable Self Course Enrollment: Enable this box to restrict user's automatic access to course(s) in the purchased product and to add an ability for students to manually enroll into courses.
NOTE: This is working only for product's with seats.
NOTE: You should enable "Show Product items on Product Page" setting on the product editing page, so your users will be able to review and select course(s) they want to be enrolled in.
I.e., you have a few courses assigned to a product. Manager buys a few seats in it for his students. Then he send a key to students for "buying" a product or enroll them manually (see Enable Seats Enrollment setting in Vendors block settings). When a student is enrolled into the product, this feature won't enroll him automatically into the courses in it. The student will need to go to the course enrolling page to click on a enroll button for manual enrolling into the course.
Manager can also manually enroll students into specific courses by clicking a Details action and selecting specific courses he needs.
Enable Auto-Enrolling on Seats Checkout: Enable this box so that customers who buy more that fixed number of seats will be enrolled into the product course(s) for free.
NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Minimum seats number for Free enrollment and Role for Free enrollment settings below.
I.e., you set up the Minimum seats number for Free enrollment setting to "2" and selected "Non-editing teacher" Role for Free enrollment. When customer buys 2 or more product seats, he will be automatically enrolled into product course(s) with a "Non-editing teacher" role without need for additional payment and all seats he bought will be available for assignment, as usual.
NOTE: Users will be automatically enrolled with a protected role (no ability to remove that manually from the course participants). If you wish to disable this to be able manually remove the role, go to Site Administration > Plugins > Enrolments > IntelliCart enrollments and turn on Disable protected roles setting under Enrolment instance defaults block.
Minimum Seats Number for Free Enrollment: Add the number of seats that customer should buy to be auto-enrolled into the product course(s). If customer buys this minimum or more seats, he'll be enrolled for free.
NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Enable “Enable Auto-enrolling on Seats Checkout above above” and Role “Role for Free enrollment enrollment” settings below.
Role for Free Enrollment: Select role so that users will be auto-enrolled into product courses(s) with this specific role.
NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Enable “Enable Auto-enrolling on Seats Checkout Checkout” and Minimum “Minimum seats number for Free enrollment enrollment” settings above.
Enable Course Un-Enrollment: Enable this box to add an Unenroll button to courses on the My Courses tab in the Product Catalog so that users can unenroll from courses by themselves.
Hide unenroll button on products: This setting works in collaboration with “Enable instant enrollment for free products“ setting from Categories and Products block of settings. Enable this box to hide “Unenroll” button for users on Products Catalog, My Products tab, and product details pages.
Continue Expired Enrollment After Purchase New: NOTE: This setting works in collaboration with Enable “Enable Approval Enrollment Enrollment” above.
Enable this box so that user will be automatically enrolled into the course(s) he was enrolled before product expiration without need to approve course enrollment one more time.
I.e., you have Enable Approval Enrollment and this setting enabled, and have a product that expires in 30 days after purchasing, so that user has to buy it again to continue passing the course(s). User buys a product and request some course enrollment. Manager approves enrollments. In a month product enrollment expires, and user buys the product one more time. In this case he won't need to send a request for course enrollment to manager again, because he'll be automatically enrolled back to courses that were already approved before.
Users for Enrollment Limit: Add the maximum number of seats that could be assigned to users per one time.
I.e., you have set up 50 seats in this setting, and have purchased 200 seats in the product. When you navigate to Sales > Seats, click on Details button for purchasing, from there go to Enroll Users, and tick Select all Users, only 50 first users will be enrolled. You still will be able to go to Enroll Users and tick Select all Users to enroll 50 more users.